
The doomsday crisis approaching global cities New York financial system or disintegration

BEIJING, Dec. 22 - According to Taiwan's "United Daily News" reported on 22, December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world, but in cities around the world is still facing a real crisis of survival. Experts predict that New York's financial system will collapse in 2017, in New Delhi, India, summer temperatures will be high to the body can not tolerate.
  The British Department for International Development recently published the 2012 City Prospects report, pointed out that the continuous human concentration towards the city and the world more than half of the population live in the city, to 2050 will increase to 75%.
   Environmental scientists, the issue of food security experts, sociologists and writers spend a lot of time and energy thinking about for the future of the metropolis in the world made the ominous prediction:
  Yale University Network environment magazine Yale Environment 360 senior editor of National Geographic magazine and the Wall Street Journal writer Montaigne forecast said that the summer temperature in New Delhi, India, and Karachi, Pakistan in the 2100 high to the human body unbearable. United States in Miami and New Orleans are in most parts of the year 2100 will be submerged.
Rivers dry up , "a book of the London journalists Pierce predicted that the Palestinian Gaza in 2016 will be no fresh water for drinking.
   City and Traffic, Energy and Climate Programme Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Caixin Pei (Shin-pei Tsay, provisional translation) predicted that Mexico City's traffic increased steadily in 2022 to reach a degree of economy can not continue to develop.
  " coolness gradually lost "a book of Cox predicted that due to the high temperatures, floods and extreme weather, air pollution, as long as the people will have the ability to move out in 2030 in Mumbai, India.
  " no oil tomorrow ", author Kang Sile predicted that the financial system of the United States in New York City in 2017 disintegration. He said that the financial system can not always rely on the operation of the financial fraud. He did not think the climate is a primary factor in turmoil in the New York financial problems will override the other problems in the short term, is likely to cause even greater disaster.

DPRK confirmed the arrest of a Korean American

Korean Central News Agency issued a communique on the 21st. The statement is as follows: November 3, to travel for the purpose of entering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Romania first U.S. citizens Peijun Hu , relevant agencies detained due to an anti-North Korea activities.
  After an investigation, the anti-DPRK offenses pieces of physical evidence proved himself confessed their crime.
  Sweden on behalf of the interests of the United States embassy in DPRK members 21 same Peijun Hu the consular met. According to the Korean Code of Criminal Procedure, anti-national criminals Peijun Hu undergoing legal processing program.
  AFP, Seoul, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) North Korea confirmed today that in November arrest of an American citizen, said he acknowledged unspecified allegations and said he will be formally charged.
  According to official North Korean news agency KCNA reported that the man named Peijun Hu (sound), as a visitor to enter North Korea on November 3, committed offenses against North Korea. "KCNA added:" He was detained by the relevant authorities. "
  The United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea. KCNA said consular officials of the Embassy of Sweden on behalf of the United States to visit Peijun Hu.
  Korea National Daily earlier this month, is the first to report the arrests events. The newspaper confirmed that those arrested is a 44-year-old Korean American tour operators, travel together, he and five other tourists , group of items in a computer hard drive, he was arrested when the North Korean side.
  KCNA said Peijun Hu into the northeastern port city of Korea Romania first arrested. Rason is located in a special economic zone near the North Korea and the Russian and Chinese border.

The Security Council strongly condemned the South Sudan Mission helicopter was shot down event

The United Nations Security Council on the 21st media statement, South Sudan, Republic of United Nations Mission in South Sudan Mission a helicopter the day reconnaissance mission when shot down by the South Sudan army The event strongly condemns.
This month rotating presidency of the Council, Morocco's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mohammed Loulichki read this statement to the media in the afternoon, said Council members therefore killed four of the crew of the Russian nationality sincere condolences to their families and Russian government condolences.
   The statement said the accident is serious violation of the United Nations and the Government of South Sudan signed on August 8 last year, "South Sudan mission of forces agreement state, damage to the actions of the South Sudan Mission. The Council strongly urges South Sudan Mission and the Government of South Sudan to quickly conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, while urging the Government of South Sudan to the event persons responsible for accountability, to take all necessary measures to prevent such tragedies from happening again.
   The same day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also issued a statement strongly condemning the South Sudan Mission helicopter was shot down event. Message Xinhua News Agency reporters from the United Nations, after the accident, the South Sudan army has informed the South Sudan Mission, said they shot down the helicopter, saying it was an accident.
  July 8 last year, the UN Security Council decided to establish a Mission in South Sudan, an initial period of one year, from July 9, 2011, and be prolonged. South Sudan mission's mandate is to consolidate peace and security, and to create conditions for the development of the Republic of South Sudan, to strengthen the capacity of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, the effective management and democratic way to establish good relations with its neighbors. July 5 this year, the UN Security Council decided to extend the mandate of the South Sudan Mission to the July 15, 2013, at the same time requires the cooperation of the Government of South Sudan for South Sudan Mission.

The Korea spoof birds tert said horseback riding Dance coincide with the 16th century French doomsday prophecy

The hop dance rider Korea birds tert
International Online Zhuangao: According to Australia's "Daily Telegraph" reported on December 18, Korean rapper birds tert Psy recently on the social networking site has been rinse, spread a YouTube video Psy and 16th century French astrologer Nuo Site Ladd Maas referred to the end of the world prophecy linked.
  Recently, there are many rumors on Korean social networking sites, Psy and 16th century France doomsday prophecy linked. This prophecy: "a calm morning, the end will come. The horse dancing along with nine aperture. Online interpretation stunning, First of all, Korea is known as the land of the" Dawn ", dancing horse refers Psy" Jiangnan dance style, the style "the 9 aperture stands for" the Jiangnan style "video on YouTube Click one billion times, just behind nine zero. The Jiangnan style hits 972 million times, around the end of the world, December 21 is expected to reach 1 billion.
  This video is also pointed out that some ominously, said Psy control culture of "Western civilization ", including with the dance scene with British singer Britney Spears (Britney Spears) and the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (Ban Ki-moon) . The video, said: "look cool and attractive evil is contagious people's behavior," many people in Paris and Rome in the video jump with saddle dance for corroboration. This video has been clicked 1.5 million times.

U.S. report again accused China of providing assistance to Iran's nuclear program

According to the website of the United States, "Washington free lighthouse" reports, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission released the 20th report a 95, and again accused the Chinese government of "Iran's nuclear program export of missiles and other weapons material and technology to Iran.
  This report named "China and Iran: limited partners" is the "hub" of the U.S. intelligence contractors commissioned by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission made in October of this year. The report said China was providing nuclear assistance to Iran in the 1990s. 1994-1995, a large number of missiles and related technology to Iran, including the HY-2 "Silkworm" anti-ship missiles and dozens or even hundreds of missile guidance systems, as well as computer-controlled machine tool. China also telemetry and missile flight test equipment to Iran, to help Iran's development of medium-range missiles of the Shahab-3 "and" Meteor 4.
  The report also said that in 1997, China promised to stop supporting Iran, "but the interaction makes some Chinese companies and Iran in 2000 after China 'is no longer a nuclear cooperation with Iran' guarantee of doubt."
  For China, "Why do not want to work with the international community to sanction Iran's uranium enrichment program," the report that for two reasons, First, the Chinese hope to use the arms trade in exchange for Iran's energy; second is under pressure from the United States against Iran's nuclear policy "But many Chinese progress of Iran's nuclear program as a positive factor, because it can become a strategic leverage to offset U.S. influence.
  Analysts believe that the report is still full of the past, the far-fetched in the United States in attacking the relations between China and Iran, based on hearsay evidence factors. For example, the report clearly say "China to sell Iran weapons" are transactions in 1997, since then the so-called "China will continue to transfer of technology to Iran," the evidence only in the U.S. government over the past two years the number of Chinese sanctions ".
  Report accused China to Iran in recent years to provide a 27 kW miniature neutron source reactor, a small electromagnetic isotope separator can be used for uranium enrichment equipment, but also admitted that these are dual-use equipment . The report also acknowledged that the report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, "no public information that can be used directly to help the most sensitive part of Iran's nuclear program China or Chinese companies had --- uranium enrichment.

Obama to nominate John Kerry as Secretary of State

December 21, U.S. President Barack Obama formally nominated Kerry (John Kerry), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as secretary of state.
  Although this nomination needs Senate approval, but is expected to Democrat John Kerry will not encounter much resistance, the nomination hearings that he served as the office of President and the Foreign Relations Committee, and he is also popular in the Senate, Republicans respected .
  "Kerry's entire resume has made him ready for this position, almost all of the important foreign policy discussion in the past 30 years, he has played an important role." Obama said at a news conference, few someone like Kerry to recognize so many countries of the President or Prime Minister.
  CPC Central Committee General Secretary and Vice President Xi Jinping's visit to Washington in February of this year, when he and Kerry in the State Council held a luncheon meeting during the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2011, Kerry has said he would like to ask Chinese President Hu Jintao, why China is not the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and global warming play more of a leadership role.
  On the Sino-US relations, Kerry has said that China is an important partner of the United States, is also one of the major investors in the United States in many ways, so both need a win-win partnership. "If we listen to each other, holding good will and cooperation, we will be able to achieve this relationship."
  The current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is popular cabinet members of the Obama administration to take over the positions she left not only the need for capacity, but also the need to have sufficient political prestige, and from this point of view, the best candidate Kerry is also the secretary of state post a. He not only is the senior senator, the competition has also worked as a Democratic presidential candidate George W. Bush narrowly lost to the latter.
  Obama 2008 campaign manager Plouffe (David Plouffe) mentioned in his memoirs in 2008, Kerry privately informed Obama will support his presidential campaign, Obama camp are very grateful for the support of Kerry , but will not promise to Kerry any cabinet posts. Kerry said Obama attitude of understanding, and spare no effort to support for Obama's campaign in 2008 and 2012.
  "Kerry in the war, the government, in the diplomatic occasions experienced test, he constantly prove their ability." Hillary Clinton said in a statement, Obama often ask Kerry to pass information to a number of foreign leaders and Kerry frank and each other to communicate.
  In addition to foreign affairs, Kerry will also be responsible for the administration of the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),. Benghazi after the incident, the United States diplomatic system will face a change in response to global security and diplomatic challenges, this will also be a new test Kerry.


United States, Japan cost 9.41 million yuan a day to monitor North Korean rocket

According to South Korea, "Central Daily" reported on December 11, at 6 o'clock on December 10th, the United States, Japan intelligence authorities to strengthen the centralized monitoring of North Korea Pingbei Tieshan County barn area . Intelligence authorities plan is still to start air and sea monitoring of all equipment on the region, until the end of the entire launch. Three a day is expected to spend at least 1.58 billion won (about 9.41 million yuan) of funding for this monitoring activity,.
  According to reports, monitor North Korean rocket launch activities, it is expected that the three countries at least a day to spend 15.8 billion won funding. If you count the 1000 km outside the Flyers' SPY-1D radar is able to detect the Aegis destroyers equipped with fuel costs and pilots dispatched subsidies, it takes about 10 million won per day. If you enter a high-speed motor state requirements will further increase.
  It is understood that if the the AWACS "peace eye" to run from 6:00 to 13:00, daily fuel costs alone will consume 20 million won; single attack takes 10 million won F-15K fighter jets and KF-16 fighter conducting patrol flight takes 2-300000000 won; need to start the information gathering machine 50 million won, daily aerial surveillance only need 3-400000000 won. U.S. to spend more. U-1 machine single combat in 15 km above the ground investigation need to spend 10 billion won; been flying from Okinawa, Japan to the Korean Peninsula's two "Cobra Ball" takes daily cost of over 100 million won.
  In addition, the U.S. Aegis destroyers (7) and X-Band Radar (2 units) has invested activities. Japan also needs daily to more than 50 million won funding for the Aegis destroyers and early warning control spending. Plus the costs of the U.S. military reconnaissance satellites and secret intelligence activities to spend 24 hours on the Korean monitor, only funding for monitoring North Korea's rocket launch activities, every day can reach up to 2.5 billion won (U.S. $ 1470 million yuan) above.
  The South Korean government authorities said, "North Korea has said the postponed launch of meaning, but it was not until the North Korea rocket launch pad removed, we have to be monitored". With the North Korean launch schedule one-week extension, reconnaissance costs increased by more than 10 billion won.