
Xujun the ammunition the list so that the Israeli army can not sit idly by Western headache

the situation in Syria, Global Times special correspondent in the eyes of the West has come to the final stage, the view of the experience of Iraq and Libya, Xujun West security issues over the years for the storage of the huge Israeli arms have to plan ahead. Including chemical weapons, ballistic missiles, long-range rocket bomb, portable anti-aircraft missiles ... Xujun ammunition inventory of this series of weapons may have a leak, and the rampant proliferation of technology and talent Some Western headache.
  As Syria's enemies, Israel for the threat the Xu Jun inventory of chemical weapons leak can not sit idly by. The Associated Press, 22, said the Israeli Defense Ministry official said Syria still holds chemical weapons and trying to be protected. This is to let the outside world frayed nerves slightly relaxed. Prior to prevent long-Barak rare in the 20th, said: "I have instructed the military to strengthen the intelligence preparation (if necessary) we will consider taking action to prevent Syrian surface-to-air missiles, surface-to-surface missiles and chemical weapons shipped to Lebanon. "He has ordered the Israeli army to prepare developments in certain circumstances, we may consider the attack on Syria's arsenal."
  The CIA has revealed consider out against Israel, Syria, the help of the Soviet Union after decades of accumulation and management about 500-1000 tons of chemical agents, mustard gas, VX, sarin and other, they can loaded missile warhead or a special shells. Is a veteran of the chemical agents including mustard gas during World War I, countries using a total of 12,000 tons of mustard gas, resulting in hundreds of thousands of casualties. Exposure to mustard gas will not only lead to a large area of ​​skin blistering, ulceration, and also through the eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and other ways to damage the body's internal organs, severe lethal. In contrast, VX and sarin poison more deadly. Sarin also invades the human body through breathing or through the skin and conjunctiva cause miosis, difficulty breathing, bronchial narrowing and violent convulsions and other symptoms, without the necessary relief to the victims of a few minutes will suffocate. VX toxicity stronger role and can last for several days. Reported that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad at least five places the production of chemical agents in Syria, especially in the current conflict in Hama, Aleppo and Latakia. Syria some toxic chemicals production plant is located in the "Scud" missiles are stored in military facilities can quickly assemble, which means that the chemical warheads and ballistic missiles.
  As suffering from Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel, Syria's remote rockets and surface-to-surface ballistic loss is greater than the actual threat of chemical weapons. Western intelligence agencies believe that the the Hezbollah in long-term all-round support of Syria and Iran from the funds and weapons to personnel. According to media reports, Hezbollah from Syria to get at least 100 M600 ballistic missile, the missile can carry a half-ton warhead and a range of 250 km. Said that Hezbollah had only Iranian system "dawn -5" rockets and zar zar "tactical rocket, the former has a range of 75 kilometers, the warhead weighing 91 kilograms, hit errors of up to 1000 m, the latter a range of 200 km, warhead weighs 636 kilograms, hit the error is greater. In accordance with U.S. standards, these weapons are outdated, and the threat of Israel depth target. Xujun equipped M600 and more advanced Scud improved missiles not only a range of further, higher precision, and can also be launched within 10 minutes, Hezbollah them, simply launch vehicles hidden in Lebanon the southern foothills of the launch will be able to quickly hide, the Israeli anti-missile system might be very hard to detect.
  In fact, based on the experience of the war in Iraq and Libya, the Syrian situation so many outward diffusion of conventional weapons is inevitable. And the first two countries, Syria's equally equipped with a large-scale, full range of anti-aircraft missiles. Syria light in the beginning of the 21st century, according to Russian media disclosures on imports from Russia for more than 4000 sets of various types of portable surface-to-air missile. Disclosure, according to Al Jazeera, the gradual loss of control of the border due to the Syria government troops and security forces, the large number of arms trafficking has Xujun arsenal as a treasure trove of fortune. The West fears is that if the recent turmoil in the Middle East led to a large number of portable anti-aircraft missiles from falling into the hands of terrorist organizations, may be more difficult to protect the security of the national airliner. In addition, Xujun other anti-aircraft missiles, any loss of home, may also affect the stability of the Middle East. Xujun in the Russian-made "wasp-ASK" surface-to-air missile to missile guidance radar integrated in an armored vehicle, each vehicle carrying six missiles against aerial targets 30 km away, can enhance the Hezbollah ability to prevent an Israeli air strike.
  Compared to the leakage of military hardware, Syria, a large number have received professional training missile technology brain drain may cause a greater threat. After the Iraq War, a large number of long-range missiles in Iraq fled to Iran hiding. Today, this scene may be a repeat of the Syrian missile talent enough to change the status quo of Hezbollah guerrillas homemade rockets powerful range of nearly. If these professionals fall into the hands of terrorist organizations, the threat to the world is self-evident.

