
Iran test-fired several missiles and the passage of the U.S. military bases all hit

as Europe, the response of the "unprecedented" sanctions, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the 3rd exercise fired a Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile enough to attack Israel. Iran also claimed that the number of missile launchers in the exercises are 100% successful, many of the missiles are aimed at the simulation of the U.S. military base.
  United States, "Wall Street Journal" on the 2nd, with the EU on Iran oil sanctions take effect only a day apart. Agence France-Presse, said the Revolutionary Guards test-fired a Shahab-3 medium-range missiles. The missile has a range of about 2,000 km, in theory, has covered about 1000 km distance Iran Israel. The exercise also test-fired a range slightly in recent meteor -1 "and" the Meteor 2 "missile, two missiles striking distance of about 300-500 km.
  Western concern that Iran displayed in the exercise of its missile forces already have a certain degree of regional blockade. Fars news agency said, several different types of missiles fired from Iran in different places accurately hit a target in the desert, these missile launches "100% success". In recent years, the United States repeatedly warned that Iran is using its missile forces against U.S. forces in the Gulf region to establish anti-access capabilities, through the synergy of different ranges and types of missiles joint operations to block the Strait of Hormuz. Even more strikingly, the imaginary target foreign military facilities also include simulated missile attack. Agence France-Presse said, its shape similar to the construction of military bases of the United States in Iran in neighboring Afghanistan.
  The Iranian IRNA said, air and space forces commander under the Revolutionary Guard, General Amir Ali Haji Zadeh said Iran would not for Iran's missile defense program in Europe and the United States to establish a "sit idly by". He said that Iran will show a new type of ballistic missile, it can detect and destroy opponents of the radar base, the ability to destroy NATO military targets in Turkey, the enemy warships in the Gulf region and Israel's "Iron Dome" anti-missile system. He also said that the Revolutionary Guard Corps electronic warfare experts have successfully deciphered the confidential information of the United States crashed in Iran last year's RQ-170 stealth unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Iran is the construction of similar UAV use these to decipher intelligence. AFP said, one day at the end of the exercise, the Revolutionary Guards will also dispatched "unmanned bomber. In this regard, the CIA refused to respond.

