
Obama to nominate John Kerry as Secretary of State

December 21, U.S. President Barack Obama formally nominated Kerry (John Kerry), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as secretary of state.
  Although this nomination needs Senate approval, but is expected to Democrat John Kerry will not encounter much resistance, the nomination hearings that he served as the office of President and the Foreign Relations Committee, and he is also popular in the Senate, Republicans respected .
  "Kerry's entire resume has made him ready for this position, almost all of the important foreign policy discussion in the past 30 years, he has played an important role." Obama said at a news conference, few someone like Kerry to recognize so many countries of the President or Prime Minister.
  CPC Central Committee General Secretary and Vice President Xi Jinping's visit to Washington in February of this year, when he and Kerry in the State Council held a luncheon meeting during the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2011, Kerry has said he would like to ask Chinese President Hu Jintao, why China is not the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and global warming play more of a leadership role.
  On the Sino-US relations, Kerry has said that China is an important partner of the United States, is also one of the major investors in the United States in many ways, so both need a win-win partnership. "If we listen to each other, holding good will and cooperation, we will be able to achieve this relationship."
  The current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is popular cabinet members of the Obama administration to take over the positions she left not only the need for capacity, but also the need to have sufficient political prestige, and from this point of view, the best candidate Kerry is also the secretary of state post a. He not only is the senior senator, the competition has also worked as a Democratic presidential candidate George W. Bush narrowly lost to the latter.
  Obama 2008 campaign manager Plouffe (David Plouffe) mentioned in his memoirs in 2008, Kerry privately informed Obama will support his presidential campaign, Obama camp are very grateful for the support of Kerry , but will not promise to Kerry any cabinet posts. Kerry said Obama attitude of understanding, and spare no effort to support for Obama's campaign in 2008 and 2012.
  "Kerry in the war, the government, in the diplomatic occasions experienced test, he constantly prove their ability." Hillary Clinton said in a statement, Obama often ask Kerry to pass information to a number of foreign leaders and Kerry frank and each other to communicate.
  In addition to foreign affairs, Kerry will also be responsible for the administration of the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),. Benghazi after the incident, the United States diplomatic system will face a change in response to global security and diplomatic challenges, this will also be a new test Kerry.

