
British scientists in Antarctic ice under 3000 meters to find hidden life

According to foreign media reports, the most recent one from the British Antarctic expedition team arrived at Antarctica, buried in glaciers (layer) below 10,000 feet deep environmental research, and as long as 50 million years of the Earth The original life. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey, prepare the drilling of the Antarctic ice sheet depths of Lake Ellsworth (Ellsworth) ice surface. The depth probing tools expedition into the West Antarctic ice sheet under the collection of lake water and sediment samples. The scientists involved in the Antarctic expedition team had to endure extreme cold and hard under the midnight sun to explore the traces of primitive life, hoping to uncover the mystery of life can survive in such a harsh environment on Earth.
British scientists in Antarctic ice under 3000 meters to find hidden life
A mysterious lake depths of Antarctic glaciers (layer), the scientists first excavated in 1000 feet a cavity, and finally form a geyser
British scientists in Antarctic ice under 3000 meters to find hidden life
  British expedition arrived at the destination
Whether scientists can find living organisms in the depths of glaciers (layer), means that the ability to provide a possible clue, other places in the solar system is whether the existence of such creatures and their morphology, like a large number of the glacier coverage under Jupiter's moon Europa on the existence of life. The scientific and technological research so ambitious, because last week, the other from the United States Antarctic expedition team announced that they discovered a huge number in Antarctica, a frozen 65 feet deep glacier (layer) 3000 lake ice the living organisms.
  Differ, Lake Ellsworth, scientific and technological research will probe deeper and the extreme living environment, scientists believe that such an environment and isolated from the outside world for at least 10 million years, far more than even. (Mike Bentley), Mike Bentley, a geologist from the University of Durham, UK, told reporters that such an extreme environment will the human show exactly what kind of constraints limit the existence of life. If scientists can find the existence of life in such an extreme environment, then this will create a new chapter: it will demonstrate to the human limits of life.
  Antarctica covered by glaciers more than 400 lakes the size of Lake Ellsworth is the most similar to the British Windermere, its about 7.5 miles long and 1.8 miles wide and nearly 500 feet deep. Completely isolated environment not seen the sun all day long, any lurking underwater biological need to endure the endless darkness, strong pressure and extreme cold. These may exist in biological unique heat from the core, and from their strong pressure on of Fang Bingchuan (layer) so that they can only exist in liquid form.
  Recently, four scientists arrived the designated camps about to start work, mechanical experts have been good preparation for the equipment needed to drill through the ice in the past month. Scientists this week will complete all the preparatory work, including adequate supply of hot water to the three-day drilling operations, formal excavation will start on December 12. The first stage of scientists will be the first to drill to a depth of 1,000 feet, then pause and carved into a drilled hole body, then they will continue the second phase of drilling using drilling, and this time they would have been down to the lake.
  This additional carved caves will be used to control the drilling process the Lake Ellsworth swarmed the lake, to prevent those prehistoric lake under the lake suddenly violently on the Bay and through the scuttling drilling out of the ice surface. Depth of drilling equipment carried by the expedition arrived in a predetermined area, the researchers will be strong ultraviolet disinfection of the entrance holes, and then lowering the the drilling instrument front-end probe to collect samples. It should be noted that the researchers need to be completed before the instrument is once again freeze the sample collection.
  Introduction: Chris Hill (Chris Hill), who came from the British Antarctic Survey team engineers "temperature environment here is really very cold." Area is located near the West Antarctic ice sheet, by phone to accept the Guardian interview. This British Antarctic expedition team is expected to spend six weeks in quite a site the samples temperature logger records data of the BAS site, the temperature was only 25 degrees Celsius below zero, the wind speed is 20.
  Most of the time, the expedition members need to work night and day, and we can not stop once you start to commence drilling of deep ice body, or drilling equipment will be frozen. Engineer Chris Hill that we have to take a 24-hour shift mode drilling samples were collected from a week and a half to two weeks, moment of Antarctic weather, we will continue to work down.

