
U.S. media said the Chinese shot DF31A or Italy to the United States in support of military tough

U.S. media speculated that China and then shot the Dongfeng 31 is intended to support the military, the U.S. tough.
Washington Freedom Lighthouse website reported on Dec. 4, the second on November 30 road-mobile DF-31A missile test-fired. The missile tests took place in North Korea test-fired long-range missiles a few days before the announced. The report also quoted the U.S. Agency for International Assessment and Strategy Center recently published a China expert Richard Fisher saying, If the Chinese from base in Qinghai underground or launch pad Dongfeng-31A missiles, this missile might be able to attack to the United States intercontinental ballistic missile base in North Dakota.
  U.S. intelligence officials said that the November 30 second test road mobile Dongfeng-31A missiles. The missile is capable of launch nuclear warheads to attack U.S. cities. The missile tests took place in North Korea test-fired long-range missiles a few days before the announced. The test-firing was conducted in Shanxi Province is located in the northwest wuzhai aerospace and missile test center. U.S. intelligence airborne and space sensors to detect the missile tests. Reported that, since August of this year, China's second test-fired the Dongfeng-31A missiles, highlighting China's growing strategic nuclear forces. The test-fired and also joint disaster relief exercises in the United States and Chengdu last day.
  Is well known that China has always been the use of missile tests and the release of political signal For example, in 1996, China passed near the Taiwan Strait missile exercises affect the Taiwan island select. Analysts pointed out that, the Dongfeng-31A test is likely intended to support the Chinese military of the United States, especially in the tough stance of the U.S. military. The last time the Dongfeng-31A test-firing took place on August 30 this year.
  On July 24 this year, China has test-fired a new Dongfeng -41 road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles, this missile can be used is known as China's first multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile re-enter the atmosphere vehicle technology.
  Dongfeng-31A missiles originally deployed before 2007, is believed to be able to carry up to five warheads. Has a maximum range of 5,000 miles. There are signs that said, this missile can also be equipped with the top of the rail car disguised as a passenger out equipment.
  Pentagon spokesman declined to comment on China's latest missile test-firing test. Said in an interview with the "freedom lighthouse," We are closely monitoring China's military development, and urged China to improve its military ability and intent to transparency, "and in August of this year, a Pentagon spokesman, in response to last Dongfeng-31A missiles test shot, only that the Pentagon would "continue to closely monitor China's military modernization efforts, including offensive missile force development efforts."
  At the same time, the United States was seeking nuclear weapons reduction policy in the Obama reduce its missile and nuclear forces. In March this year, the National Defense University speech, Obama said "We are approaching the future we want one of these weapons systems will never again threaten the future of our descendants, a security without nuclear weapons and peaceful future. '
  U.S. Agency for International Assessment and Strategy Center recently published a China expert Richard Fisher said the Obama administration should inform the public more information about China's strategic nuclear modernization project. To do so, to avoid "possible nuclear accident, ensure to exert more pressure on China in this regard, forcing them to increase transparency in the field. Fisher also said that, from the underground base in Qinghai or emission units, Dongfeng-31A missiles may be able to attack the intercontinental ballistic missile base in the United States located in North Dakota.
  Fisher noted that the development of the Dongfeng-31A missiles, suggesting that China may build nuclear counterattack strategy, and the strategy you need to secretly build missiles with warheads higher figures than the U.S. intelligence agencies estimate. He said that China may launch its large-scale underground nuclear facilities within the motor Dongfeng-31A the device storage missile - alleged underground nuclear facilities, including the 3,000-mile-long tunnel. The Chinese government consistently claims that its nuclear forces is limited to retaliatory action to launch a nuclear attack, we only need a small amount of the missile can be, but Fisher stressed that this is only "scam": repeating a saying, but the doing, it said exactly the opposite, which reflect the ancient Chinese strategic culture. '
  At the same time, U.S. officials said North Korea test-fired the Taepodong 2 missile preparatory work has come to the final stage is expected that this will further exacerbate tensions in the region. "Taepodong" missile has been in a launch plant in North Korea is ready. U.S. officials said the North Korean side could come as early as December 10, the test-firing test. The last Taepodong 2 missile test-firing test was held in April this year, but not only in the launch that ended in failure.
  Georgetown University arms control expert Philip • A • Kappa pointed out, the Dongfeng-31A missiles is extremely important, because it is capable of carrying nuclear warheads to attack the continental United States, the last Dongfeng-31A test-fired highlights China's expanding strategic arsenal. Kappa said: "China is committed to modernizing its ballistic missile arsenal, from tactical to strategic systems, what they abide by the call the next generation of the evidence of the commitment of military revolution." Ironically, they think followed by the next wave of when the United States in a significant reduction in our use of ballistic missiles, the ability to protect national security.

