
The doomsday crisis approaching global cities New York financial system or disintegration

BEIJING, Dec. 22 - According to Taiwan's "United Daily News" reported on 22, December 21, 2012 is not the end of the world, but in cities around the world is still facing a real crisis of survival. Experts predict that New York's financial system will collapse in 2017, in New Delhi, India, summer temperatures will be high to the body can not tolerate.
  The British Department for International Development recently published the 2012 City Prospects report, pointed out that the continuous human concentration towards the city and the world more than half of the population live in the city, to 2050 will increase to 75%.
   Environmental scientists, the issue of food security experts, sociologists and writers spend a lot of time and energy thinking about for the future of the metropolis in the world made the ominous prediction:
  Yale University Network environment magazine Yale Environment 360 senior editor of National Geographic magazine and the Wall Street Journal writer Montaigne forecast said that the summer temperature in New Delhi, India, and Karachi, Pakistan in the 2100 high to the human body unbearable. United States in Miami and New Orleans are in most parts of the year 2100 will be submerged.
Rivers dry up , "a book of the London journalists Pierce predicted that the Palestinian Gaza in 2016 will be no fresh water for drinking.
   City and Traffic, Energy and Climate Programme Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Caixin Pei (Shin-pei Tsay, provisional translation) predicted that Mexico City's traffic increased steadily in 2022 to reach a degree of economy can not continue to develop.
  " coolness gradually lost "a book of Cox predicted that due to the high temperatures, floods and extreme weather, air pollution, as long as the people will have the ability to move out in 2030 in Mumbai, India.
  " no oil tomorrow ", author Kang Sile predicted that the financial system of the United States in New York City in 2017 disintegration. He said that the financial system can not always rely on the operation of the financial fraud. He did not think the climate is a primary factor in turmoil in the New York financial problems will override the other problems in the short term, is likely to cause even greater disaster.

DPRK confirmed the arrest of a Korean American

Korean Central News Agency issued a communique on the 21st. The statement is as follows: November 3, to travel for the purpose of entering the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Romania first U.S. citizens Peijun Hu , relevant agencies detained due to an anti-North Korea activities.
  After an investigation, the anti-DPRK offenses pieces of physical evidence proved himself confessed their crime.
  Sweden on behalf of the interests of the United States embassy in DPRK members 21 same Peijun Hu the consular met. According to the Korean Code of Criminal Procedure, anti-national criminals Peijun Hu undergoing legal processing program.
  AFP, Seoul, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) North Korea confirmed today that in November arrest of an American citizen, said he acknowledged unspecified allegations and said he will be formally charged.
  According to official North Korean news agency KCNA reported that the man named Peijun Hu (sound), as a visitor to enter North Korea on November 3, committed offenses against North Korea. "KCNA added:" He was detained by the relevant authorities. "
  The United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea. KCNA said consular officials of the Embassy of Sweden on behalf of the United States to visit Peijun Hu.
  Korea National Daily earlier this month, is the first to report the arrests events. The newspaper confirmed that those arrested is a 44-year-old Korean American tour operators, travel together, he and five other tourists , group of items in a computer hard drive, he was arrested when the North Korean side.
  KCNA said Peijun Hu into the northeastern port city of Korea Romania first arrested. Rason is located in a special economic zone near the North Korea and the Russian and Chinese border.

The Security Council strongly condemned the South Sudan Mission helicopter was shot down event

The United Nations Security Council on the 21st media statement, South Sudan, Republic of United Nations Mission in South Sudan Mission a helicopter the day reconnaissance mission when shot down by the South Sudan army The event strongly condemns.
This month rotating presidency of the Council, Morocco's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mohammed Loulichki read this statement to the media in the afternoon, said Council members therefore killed four of the crew of the Russian nationality sincere condolences to their families and Russian government condolences.
   The statement said the accident is serious violation of the United Nations and the Government of South Sudan signed on August 8 last year, "South Sudan mission of forces agreement state, damage to the actions of the South Sudan Mission. The Council strongly urges South Sudan Mission and the Government of South Sudan to quickly conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, while urging the Government of South Sudan to the event persons responsible for accountability, to take all necessary measures to prevent such tragedies from happening again.
   The same day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also issued a statement strongly condemning the South Sudan Mission helicopter was shot down event. Message Xinhua News Agency reporters from the United Nations, after the accident, the South Sudan army has informed the South Sudan Mission, said they shot down the helicopter, saying it was an accident.
  July 8 last year, the UN Security Council decided to establish a Mission in South Sudan, an initial period of one year, from July 9, 2011, and be prolonged. South Sudan mission's mandate is to consolidate peace and security, and to create conditions for the development of the Republic of South Sudan, to strengthen the capacity of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, the effective management and democratic way to establish good relations with its neighbors. July 5 this year, the UN Security Council decided to extend the mandate of the South Sudan Mission to the July 15, 2013, at the same time requires the cooperation of the Government of South Sudan for South Sudan Mission.

The Korea spoof birds tert said horseback riding Dance coincide with the 16th century French doomsday prophecy

The hop dance rider Korea birds tert
International Online Zhuangao: According to Australia's "Daily Telegraph" reported on December 18, Korean rapper birds tert Psy recently on the social networking site has been rinse, spread a YouTube video Psy and 16th century French astrologer Nuo Site Ladd Maas referred to the end of the world prophecy linked.
  Recently, there are many rumors on Korean social networking sites, Psy and 16th century France doomsday prophecy linked. This prophecy: "a calm morning, the end will come. The horse dancing along with nine aperture. Online interpretation stunning, First of all, Korea is known as the land of the" Dawn ", dancing horse refers Psy" Jiangnan dance style, the style "the 9 aperture stands for" the Jiangnan style "video on YouTube Click one billion times, just behind nine zero. The Jiangnan style hits 972 million times, around the end of the world, December 21 is expected to reach 1 billion.
  This video is also pointed out that some ominously, said Psy control culture of "Western civilization ", including with the dance scene with British singer Britney Spears (Britney Spears) and the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (Ban Ki-moon) . The video, said: "look cool and attractive evil is contagious people's behavior," many people in Paris and Rome in the video jump with saddle dance for corroboration. This video has been clicked 1.5 million times.

U.S. report again accused China of providing assistance to Iran's nuclear program

According to the website of the United States, "Washington free lighthouse" reports, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission released the 20th report a 95, and again accused the Chinese government of "Iran's nuclear program export of missiles and other weapons material and technology to Iran.
  This report named "China and Iran: limited partners" is the "hub" of the U.S. intelligence contractors commissioned by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission made in October of this year. The report said China was providing nuclear assistance to Iran in the 1990s. 1994-1995, a large number of missiles and related technology to Iran, including the HY-2 "Silkworm" anti-ship missiles and dozens or even hundreds of missile guidance systems, as well as computer-controlled machine tool. China also telemetry and missile flight test equipment to Iran, to help Iran's development of medium-range missiles of the Shahab-3 "and" Meteor 4.
  The report also said that in 1997, China promised to stop supporting Iran, "but the interaction makes some Chinese companies and Iran in 2000 after China 'is no longer a nuclear cooperation with Iran' guarantee of doubt."
  For China, "Why do not want to work with the international community to sanction Iran's uranium enrichment program," the report that for two reasons, First, the Chinese hope to use the arms trade in exchange for Iran's energy; second is under pressure from the United States against Iran's nuclear policy "But many Chinese progress of Iran's nuclear program as a positive factor, because it can become a strategic leverage to offset U.S. influence.
  Analysts believe that the report is still full of the past, the far-fetched in the United States in attacking the relations between China and Iran, based on hearsay evidence factors. For example, the report clearly say "China to sell Iran weapons" are transactions in 1997, since then the so-called "China will continue to transfer of technology to Iran," the evidence only in the U.S. government over the past two years the number of Chinese sanctions ".
  Report accused China to Iran in recent years to provide a 27 kW miniature neutron source reactor, a small electromagnetic isotope separator can be used for uranium enrichment equipment, but also admitted that these are dual-use equipment . The report also acknowledged that the report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, "no public information that can be used directly to help the most sensitive part of Iran's nuclear program China or Chinese companies had --- uranium enrichment.

Obama to nominate John Kerry as Secretary of State

December 21, U.S. President Barack Obama formally nominated Kerry (John Kerry), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as secretary of state.
  Although this nomination needs Senate approval, but is expected to Democrat John Kerry will not encounter much resistance, the nomination hearings that he served as the office of President and the Foreign Relations Committee, and he is also popular in the Senate, Republicans respected .
  "Kerry's entire resume has made him ready for this position, almost all of the important foreign policy discussion in the past 30 years, he has played an important role." Obama said at a news conference, few someone like Kerry to recognize so many countries of the President or Prime Minister.
  CPC Central Committee General Secretary and Vice President Xi Jinping's visit to Washington in February of this year, when he and Kerry in the State Council held a luncheon meeting during the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2011, Kerry has said he would like to ask Chinese President Hu Jintao, why China is not the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and global warming play more of a leadership role.
  On the Sino-US relations, Kerry has said that China is an important partner of the United States, is also one of the major investors in the United States in many ways, so both need a win-win partnership. "If we listen to each other, holding good will and cooperation, we will be able to achieve this relationship."
  The current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is popular cabinet members of the Obama administration to take over the positions she left not only the need for capacity, but also the need to have sufficient political prestige, and from this point of view, the best candidate Kerry is also the secretary of state post a. He not only is the senior senator, the competition has also worked as a Democratic presidential candidate George W. Bush narrowly lost to the latter.
  Obama 2008 campaign manager Plouffe (David Plouffe) mentioned in his memoirs in 2008, Kerry privately informed Obama will support his presidential campaign, Obama camp are very grateful for the support of Kerry , but will not promise to Kerry any cabinet posts. Kerry said Obama attitude of understanding, and spare no effort to support for Obama's campaign in 2008 and 2012.
  "Kerry in the war, the government, in the diplomatic occasions experienced test, he constantly prove their ability." Hillary Clinton said in a statement, Obama often ask Kerry to pass information to a number of foreign leaders and Kerry frank and each other to communicate.
  In addition to foreign affairs, Kerry will also be responsible for the administration of the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),. Benghazi after the incident, the United States diplomatic system will face a change in response to global security and diplomatic challenges, this will also be a new test Kerry.


United States, Japan cost 9.41 million yuan a day to monitor North Korean rocket

According to South Korea, "Central Daily" reported on December 11, at 6 o'clock on December 10th, the United States, Japan intelligence authorities to strengthen the centralized monitoring of North Korea Pingbei Tieshan County barn area . Intelligence authorities plan is still to start air and sea monitoring of all equipment on the region, until the end of the entire launch. Three a day is expected to spend at least 1.58 billion won (about 9.41 million yuan) of funding for this monitoring activity,.
  According to reports, monitor North Korean rocket launch activities, it is expected that the three countries at least a day to spend 15.8 billion won funding. If you count the 1000 km outside the Flyers' SPY-1D radar is able to detect the Aegis destroyers equipped with fuel costs and pilots dispatched subsidies, it takes about 10 million won per day. If you enter a high-speed motor state requirements will further increase.
  It is understood that if the the AWACS "peace eye" to run from 6:00 to 13:00, daily fuel costs alone will consume 20 million won; single attack takes 10 million won F-15K fighter jets and KF-16 fighter conducting patrol flight takes 2-300000000 won; need to start the information gathering machine 50 million won, daily aerial surveillance only need 3-400000000 won. U.S. to spend more. U-1 machine single combat in 15 km above the ground investigation need to spend 10 billion won; been flying from Okinawa, Japan to the Korean Peninsula's two "Cobra Ball" takes daily cost of over 100 million won.
  In addition, the U.S. Aegis destroyers (7) and X-Band Radar (2 units) has invested activities. Japan also needs daily to more than 50 million won funding for the Aegis destroyers and early warning control spending. Plus the costs of the U.S. military reconnaissance satellites and secret intelligence activities to spend 24 hours on the Korean monitor, only funding for monitoring North Korea's rocket launch activities, every day can reach up to 2.5 billion won (U.S. $ 1470 million yuan) above.
  The South Korean government authorities said, "North Korea has said the postponed launch of meaning, but it was not until the North Korea rocket launch pad removed, we have to be monitored". With the North Korean launch schedule one-week extension, reconnaissance costs increased by more than 10 billion won.

United States strive to break through the meat restrictions of the United States to

According to the British Reuters reported on December 10, U.S. trade officials recently said that from next week, the United States will seek to cancel impede imports of U.S. meat market barriers, and the United States the intellectual property rights to launch a tougher protection.
  "We will work to achieve meaningful results on the following topics: the implementation of intellectual property rights, and resist the pressure on the transfer of technology to eliminate interference with trade, industrial policy, to get rid of the main obstacle for our exports." U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk (Ron Kirk) 10, said in a statement. He will be held December 18-19 in Washington to attend the annual China-US Business Trade Joint Committee (US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade), which is an annual forum to address trade issues in China and the United States.
  Tom Vilsack, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Tom Vilsack) also added: "We plan to deal with a range of market access issues, these issues affect the exports of U.S. meat, poultry, horticultural products.
  U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank: "These discussions occurred at a very important moment, this is an important opportunity to set the track of the future of Sino-US economic relations to create a healthy and balanced trade relations with China on United States is very important. "

The United States will be announced a Syria as a terrorist organization by the opposition

December 10, 2007, the U.S. government will announce a "base" organizations Syrian opposition group as a terrorist organization.
  Although the U.S. has not yet officially announced the Syrian opposition group called "Jabhat al-Nusra" as a terrorist organization, but included in the Federal Gazette "which took place on the 10th, the report said. The United States also froze the assets of the organization in the United States, and prohibits U.S. citizens and their business dealings.
  And this difference is that the United States closer together with the Syrian opposition coalition. According to the Washington Post, the 11th, the Friends of Syria meeting held in Morocco this week, the United States is expected to be announced the recognition of the legal status of the Union. U.S. State Department spokesman Newland United States did not elaborate on what measures will be taken, but State Department officials said the United States will join the opposition camp.
  CBS commentators believe that this shows that a two-pronged policy of the United States, that is, to suppress and cooperation in parallel.

The second round of the Korean presidential election TV debate candidates against each

10 evening, the Korea National Party presidential candidate Park Geun-hye (left), Unified Progressive Party presidential candidate Lee Ji (middle), democratic the unified party presidential candidate text in Yin three photo before the start of the debate.
South Korea new national party presidential candidate Park Geun-benefit and democratic reunification Hop Party presidential candidate Wen Yin 10 Ri to participate in the 18th South Korean presidential election candidate second round of the TV debate, on the Roh Moo-hyun and Lee Myung-bak government policy achievements, economic democratization and other issues in a fierce war of words.
  According to reports, the text in the Yin condemned, Lee Myung-bak government, whether it is in the people's livelihood, also in terms of democracy, economic growth, inter-Korean relations, security, balanced regional development was a failure during the (ruling) rising prices significant increase in household debt. As the ruling party, the New National Party, and Park Geun-hye, regardless of public opinion through the bill affect people's livelihood, including four major river engineering, including five to the livelihood of the people brought heavy losses. Lee Myung-bak government in the people's livelihood and policy failure, Park Geun-hye also have certain responsibilities.
  , Park Geun-hye, the real estate bubble burst really become a big issue, but in fact, in the reign of Roh Moo-hyun, South Korea's real estate prices highest. Moreover, income polarization is also very serious, college tuition has reached the highest level ever. These factors allow nationals to choose a new National Party. She also said that out of the economic policies proposed in Yin and Roh Moo-hyun ruling policy is almost the same. At that time, the global economy is an excellent, only the level of South Korea's economy is less than the global average.
  The other hand, the day of Korean unification Progressive Party presidential candidate Jane Lee Ji also attended the televised debate, the same as the first round of debate, Li Zheng Ji Park Geun-hye focus of attack, the two candidates during the debate always tit for tat.

The Chinese side demands the Han Fanggong is treated the detained fishermen to protect

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, officials said yesterday, the South Korean side has the embassy informed of the events of 24 Chinese fishermen detained, China requires Han Fanggong are investigating the matter, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the detained crew members and humanitarian treatment.
  The official also said that the embassy will send consular officials be visited Han Guohai Police detained Chinese crew. South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported, South Korea's Incheon police perverted enforcement on the grounds in the 9th detained 24 Chinese crew.
  South Korea, to Incheon police on May 27 in Incheon near Qingdao, 33 km southeast direction maritime law enforcement found a Chinese fishing boat operating illegally, and was in the process of law enforcement in the Chinese fishermen resistance.

Avoidance of "security" is in fact a comprehensive set of norms

 Tencent 7th leaders travel the road closure to carry forward the new trend to look forward to and commented topic:   In fact, both national leaders for the visitor traffic security, has a comprehensive set of rules to follow.
  Set of norms security system is divided into three: a guard, road closures, aside dedicated channel. The two guards will also set aside a dedicated channel, but along the outpost's density is smaller. The three guards will be no dedicated lanes, will generally arrange motorcades, the important junctions arrangements traffic police on duty. By heads of state, heads of government, a guard; foreign relations of the general courtesy, you only need to take three guards.
  The traffic control department of the Beijing Municipal Public Security in 2004, has also developed two normative documents, been more specific requirements, the requirements are not free to expand the range and control time of the control area.
  People are troubled some "road closure" did not comply with the above specifications, road closure "became part of the officials" privilege "pendulum" pomp ".
  Comprehensive Changjiang Daily "Jinan Times"
  "No road closures," says it will do
  To release strong reform signal
  - Around can no longer rule blocking bus reform, inhibition of privilege as a "persistent"
  "Adhering to favor the principle of ties with the masses, reducing traffic control, under normal circumstances not be road closures, closed unclear field." Recently, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on improving the work style, close contact with the relevant provisions of the masses eight representations caused netizens heat quickly meeting.
  In recent days, the media coverage on the senior trip really no road closures by the high degree of attention from all walks of life and praise.
  , Told reporters that the reason why the "road closures and other initiatives hearts of the people, and is embodied in the concept of governance is the party members and cadres must close ties with the masses, uphold the interests of the people first, reform its release signal is very rich, intriguing.
  The reporter noted that the Ministry of Public Security has issued a notification requirements of the national public security departments to strictly enforce security work requirements, under normal circumstances, shall not be road closures to minimize traffic control time, to maximize convenience for the masses travel. All localities will be allowed to violate the provisions of Dao road closures, masses normal passage interests. If the notification to implement the principle of effective, also means "no road closures will quickly top-down pass to the local.
  , Told reporters that the senior set an example, take the lead in an example for the chain reaction of traffic control measures will not be confined to a single reform. Replicability, Bus governance and reform, urban governance blocking reform, privilege car governance of these years "persistent" field, the direction of reform should be "no road closures" guidelines, combined with the spirit of the eighteen major, rapidly advancing and deepening the reform .
  For example, improve their work style, close ties with the masses of the eight provisions clearly stated, "strictly enforce housing provisions of the vehicle is equipped with work and living conditions", in terms of excessive Bus governance, official vehicle procurement reform, should continue to implement the plan.
  Again, the morning and evening peak hours in the bus lanes on the streets even blatant red light colors privilege car, under the the road closures spirit contrasting, should not be more thoroughly governance and norms? Especially in the relevant departments is brewing for road traffic violations linked to the personal credit background, equal abide by the law should be the only choice to go beyond the level and number plate of the vehicle on the road.
  More worthy of reflection, the big city government blocked the department how the reform should be the face of the spirit of road closures, the government blocked the idea. Continue to limit line, the purchase of this line of political blocking, suppression of civil rights "simple" management ideas, or straighten the relationship between the market and the government to rely more on the development of public transport reform taxi mechanisms, regulation of market-based instruments and social management innovation combine to rule blocking this, the answer is not self-evident.

Encouraged the Luohu villagers continue to follow Deng Xiaoping road

  8, Xi Jinping, also came to the Lo Wu fishermen's village visits residents. Just so the leader Deng Xiaoping in 1984, has been to the "million households Village visits. Xi Jinping encouraged the villagers to continue to walk the road of Deng Xiaoping, and the innovation and development.
  Xi Jinping visited the fishermen's village at the Lo Wu Deng Xiaoping to the village to visit the display panels. The meantime, the President visits the family of six villagers TANG Kwok-wah, TANG Kwok-wah describe Xi Jinping "man affectionately calm, and caring can expect him to lead the country in economic development was better.
  Witnessed the >>> General Secretary of vehicles in the opposite me pass
  @ Xinhua News Agency Network in China: Shenzhen netizens @ Lu Yaming: coincidence to learning general secretary fleet. Police motorcycles have flashing lights and siren. CMB did not pull the curtains, transparent glass, the speed of about 60 kilometers per hour. Shennan Avenue traffic as usual, only to see a wrecker. It seems, is not the road closure is no big deal! Salute! Xi the general secretary empty often yo!
  The @ password Queen: learning the general secretary of the car just pass in the opposite lane, road closures and she did not.
  @ Dream eup the Woodcutter Lang: "masses", "the people rustic", when he moved to The leaders today in Taihang fathers build a strong belief, believe Lotus Peak reality will be more firm in his ideas . I, as an ordinary people at the scene, witnessed the scene.
  @ People's Daily: @ Shenzhen traffic police said, learning general secretary During the inspection, a distance of over 150 kilometers. The traffic police to implement the road closure requirements have not closed any roads, public transportation, rental of private cars and fleet convoy traveling in parallel. During this period, although the case of a weekend evening peak, and basically did not affect public travel. Shenzhen high-level traffic duty road closures.

 Unswerving reform and opening up, and have a new pioneering

  At 9:55 on December 8, Xi Jinping, came to Shenzhen Lianhuashan Deng Xiaoping statue, presented wreaths ceremony here.
  Presented wreaths the end of the ceremony, Xi Jinping arrived among the crowd, the interaction with the masses. Xi Jinping said the reform and opening up was the right decision made by the CPC Central Committee, will continue to go correct road, the road of the rich, the wealthy and the road to unswervingly, and have a new development.
  Accompanied Xi Jinping In addition to the local officials, there are four old comrades, four old comrades happens when accompanied Xiaoping Guangdong officials.
  After the end of the almost 15-minute ceremony, Xi Jinping came Deng Xiaoping statue behind the woods, planted a tree, and then depart for the next destination.
  No red carpet scene, did not please the masses departure
  From security to the site layout, and this reflects the many changes presented wreaths. The field masses with the "cordial" to describe the feeling Xi Jinping own.
  Presented wreaths scene without laying the red carpet. A live next to the Lotus Hill said the old man, he had seen several high-ranking officials come presented wreaths, but every red carpet. The elderly think, this time only from the red carpet this detail, you can see that Xi Jinping of the People First style.
  There are residents who live in the neighborhood said, will roll out the red carpet at the scene before, and is heavily guarded. This time is Xi Jinping come, the scene neither red carpet, did not please the masses departure, Xi Jinping, the People First style revealed beyond doubt.
  The scene Another elderly from Sichuan, he said he was to play in Shenzhen, did not know the President Xi Jinping will come here presented wreaths. To the scene, the old man has not been blocked, the scene brought together more than 300 people.

More real work

  A practical action than a dozen programs. Between words and deeds, the line more important than words.
  Dry, is the direct force of the transformation of the world. Say, in no way to belittle the importance of the route of the Programme.
  Do more practical things, First, leading cadres necessary to grassroots levels, go to the masses, the research for the grassroots and the masses do more practical the breakthrough work difficult and "dead", sum up and popularize advanced experience. The problem now is that the meeting that more and more, socialize and become increasingly more, write more articles, more than two so-called "one long". Moreover, the record not brake, repeated almost flooding. What was the reason? Mentality point of view, there is a feel nostalgic, can not bear the "must sell" by; commonplace no foot peg tooth by; the boycott fatigue, by only call nonetheless. All kinds, and so on. Which specious sophistry lot, such as a meeting not many do not seem to do the work; article does not seem to show no level; the new sheets anniversary not to engage in the ribbon-cutting celebration disgraced; superiors scene is not support, do not attach importance , the lower shuttle accompanied respect and enthusiasm. And so on, each other infection, comparisons with each other, and thus red tape formalism will become very popular. Imagine the daytime under the sea ", the night on a" Wenshan middle rush socialize, cut the ribbon for dinner and goings, how much time to concentrate on real work! They talk about how to improve the work efficiency too! This situation can not continue! In this issue, we have to the spirit of reform, Guagu poison, dry point practical things.
  More real work, we must be modest and prudent, and must not have a little achievement to get carried away, publicity everywhere, brag about.
  Talk about the country, hard work and prosperous country.
  (Published in the February 26, 1992, the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, abridged)
  Recently, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chairman of the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping 18 after the first time left Beijing for the inspection.
  December 8, Xi Jinping arrived in Shenzhen Lotus Hill, the statue of Deng Xiaoping presented wreaths. Xi Jinping said the reform and opening up was the right decision made by the CPC Central Committee, will continue to go correct road, the road of the rich, the wealthy and the road to unswervingly, and have a new development.

Xi Jinping visits Shenzhen during the road closure friends: the time used to come

  Lotus Hill in Shenzhen, Xi Jinping scene masses handshake
  Xinhua News Agency China Wang Shi microblogging screenshots
  Xi Jinping visits Shenzhen during the road is not closed, Bus private car parallel
  Presented wreaths to Deng Xiaoping statue to interact with the scene and the masses
  Have pointed out that the reform and opening up new development, continue enriching - road
  "Shenzhen Special Zone Daily" review article 20 years ago retransmission
  On December 8, the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily published a review article had dated February 26, 1992: "more real work". Editor's note mentioned: "talk about the country, hard work and prosperous country." November 29, Xi Jinping expounded the great "China Dream" with particular emphasis on the phrase. 20 years ago, in the spring, "Shenzhen Special Zone Daily" published eight assessment "Monkey Spring continuous. Among them, Part IV "more real work", emphasizing that the development of the SAR career to rely on hard work. View comments on today is still, however, the still thought-provoking.


Russia sought to build the world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker, launched in 2015

Russia, "Izvestia reported that Russia's state-owned Atomic Energy company representative said the company has completed all the preparatory work for construction of the world's largest new multi-purpose nuclear-powered icebreaker, the entire construction work is expected to require about 37 billion rubles (about $ 1.1 billion) of funds. Construction work will start in 2013, is expected to be launched in 2015, the 2017 sea trials.
  Reported that the Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation designer Alexei said Cora Fu Qinke, only Russia can build advanced nuclear-powered icebreaker, in order to strengthen the control of the Russian Arctic, Russia must have a powerful icebreaker. The newest icebreaker length 173 meters, width 34 meters, a displacement of 33,540 tons, equipped with two next-generation "РИТМ-200" nuclear reactors, each reactor power of 170 MW, can break the ice thickness of 3 m. Reported that Russia is currently being used by the 50th anniversary of the victory "," Yamal "and" Russia "and five nuclear-powered icebreaker will gradually retired. In order to ensure a sufficient number of icebreakers, the Russian Ministry of Communications, said that the three new nuclear-powered icebreakers, Russia will be completed in 2020 in order to fully protect the northern waterway access, will also build six conventionally powered icebreakers. All icebreaker design life is 40 years.
  Currently, many countries in the world have their own icebreaker, Russia's largest number, about 18, and the United States now has three icebreakers. In order to compete with Russia in the Arctic region, the United States has plans to build a new type of icebreaker. Canada has six icebreakers, but still plans to build a new model. In addition, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ukraine and China also has its own icebreaker. China's first aircraft self-built polar icebreakers in service is expected in 2014.

Iran test-fired several missiles and the passage of the U.S. military bases all hit

as Europe, the response of the "unprecedented" sanctions, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the 3rd exercise fired a Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile enough to attack Israel. Iran also claimed that the number of missile launchers in the exercises are 100% successful, many of the missiles are aimed at the simulation of the U.S. military base.
  United States, "Wall Street Journal" on the 2nd, with the EU on Iran oil sanctions take effect only a day apart. Agence France-Presse, said the Revolutionary Guards test-fired a Shahab-3 medium-range missiles. The missile has a range of about 2,000 km, in theory, has covered about 1000 km distance Iran Israel. The exercise also test-fired a range slightly in recent meteor -1 "and" the Meteor 2 "missile, two missiles striking distance of about 300-500 km.
  Western concern that Iran displayed in the exercise of its missile forces already have a certain degree of regional blockade. Fars news agency said, several different types of missiles fired from Iran in different places accurately hit a target in the desert, these missile launches "100% success". In recent years, the United States repeatedly warned that Iran is using its missile forces against U.S. forces in the Gulf region to establish anti-access capabilities, through the synergy of different ranges and types of missiles joint operations to block the Strait of Hormuz. Even more strikingly, the imaginary target foreign military facilities also include simulated missile attack. Agence France-Presse said, its shape similar to the construction of military bases of the United States in Iran in neighboring Afghanistan.
  The Iranian IRNA said, air and space forces commander under the Revolutionary Guard, General Amir Ali Haji Zadeh said Iran would not for Iran's missile defense program in Europe and the United States to establish a "sit idly by". He said that Iran will show a new type of ballistic missile, it can detect and destroy opponents of the radar base, the ability to destroy NATO military targets in Turkey, the enemy warships in the Gulf region and Israel's "Iron Dome" anti-missile system. He also said that the Revolutionary Guard Corps electronic warfare experts have successfully deciphered the confidential information of the United States crashed in Iran last year's RQ-170 stealth unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Iran is the construction of similar UAV use these to decipher intelligence. AFP said, one day at the end of the exercise, the Revolutionary Guards will also dispatched "unmanned bomber. In this regard, the CIA refused to respond.

The on Feiming the purchase of 10 new Takenao stressed that has nothing to do with China

Figure: Philippines Sokol helicopters purchased from Poland
[Global Times reported] Philippine Air Force, a spokesman said, according to Agence France-Presse reported on the 18th, from next year, the Philippines will purchase 10 new helicopter gunships, in order to improve the poor equipment status of the Philippine Army. He stressed that the procurement has nothing to do with the recent tense relations between the Philippines.
  Reported that the Philippine Air Force spokesman Miguel okole revealed, Italy, France, Russia and South Africa are the Philippines considering purchasing helicopters supply country. However, he refused to disclose the Philippines are considering purchasing what type. Allegedly, the new helicopters will replace the current US-made MG-520 helicopters of the Philippine Air Force equipment. As a light helicopter, MG-520 can only carry machine guns and rockets, the volume and load restrictions it can not precision-guided weapons complex observation systems and equipment needed, the voyage was also limited. Apache, Mi-28 of these heavily armed helicopter high costs, the Philippines may end up purchasing the Italian A-129 type of light helicopter gunships, or the type of armed in France "dolphin" multi-purpose helicopter based on the modified . Okole said: "We will get the helicopter gunships, they can carry a payload than the MG-520 more. Okole number refused to disclose the cost of the procurement, but stressed that the Philippine government has allocated the funds needed.
  Reported that, due to the problem of the South China Sea disputes, tensions in Sino-Philippine relations. However okole procurement helicopter gunships has nothing to do with this. The Philippines has previously ordered the "Falcon" multi-purpose helicopter, Poland W-3 ​​for Nanhai patrol and reconnaissance and rescue.
  According to Itar-Tass reported on the 18th, the day of the Rosoboronexport Information Services Department announced that, the company is in talks to supply the Yak-130 trainer aircraft with about 10 countries, including the Philippines. Reported that, the Yak-130 trainer aircraft during the Farnborough Air Show in England in the just concluded are of great concern, this trainer can not only enhance the driving skills of fourth-and fifth-generation fighter pilots, but also converted to a light attack machine, with the ability to use precision-guided weapons.

Xujun the ammunition the list so that the Israeli army can not sit idly by Western headache

the situation in Syria, Global Times special correspondent in the eyes of the West has come to the final stage, the view of the experience of Iraq and Libya, Xujun West security issues over the years for the storage of the huge Israeli arms have to plan ahead. Including chemical weapons, ballistic missiles, long-range rocket bomb, portable anti-aircraft missiles ... Xujun ammunition inventory of this series of weapons may have a leak, and the rampant proliferation of technology and talent Some Western headache.
  As Syria's enemies, Israel for the threat the Xu Jun inventory of chemical weapons leak can not sit idly by. The Associated Press, 22, said the Israeli Defense Ministry official said Syria still holds chemical weapons and trying to be protected. This is to let the outside world frayed nerves slightly relaxed. Prior to prevent long-Barak rare in the 20th, said: "I have instructed the military to strengthen the intelligence preparation (if necessary) we will consider taking action to prevent Syrian surface-to-air missiles, surface-to-surface missiles and chemical weapons shipped to Lebanon. "He has ordered the Israeli army to prepare developments in certain circumstances, we may consider the attack on Syria's arsenal."
  The CIA has revealed consider out against Israel, Syria, the help of the Soviet Union after decades of accumulation and management about 500-1000 tons of chemical agents, mustard gas, VX, sarin and other, they can loaded missile warhead or a special shells. Is a veteran of the chemical agents including mustard gas during World War I, countries using a total of 12,000 tons of mustard gas, resulting in hundreds of thousands of casualties. Exposure to mustard gas will not only lead to a large area of ​​skin blistering, ulceration, and also through the eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and other ways to damage the body's internal organs, severe lethal. In contrast, VX and sarin poison more deadly. Sarin also invades the human body through breathing or through the skin and conjunctiva cause miosis, difficulty breathing, bronchial narrowing and violent convulsions and other symptoms, without the necessary relief to the victims of a few minutes will suffocate. VX toxicity stronger role and can last for several days. Reported that the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad at least five places the production of chemical agents in Syria, especially in the current conflict in Hama, Aleppo and Latakia. Syria some toxic chemicals production plant is located in the "Scud" missiles are stored in military facilities can quickly assemble, which means that the chemical warheads and ballistic missiles.
  As suffering from Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel, Syria's remote rockets and surface-to-surface ballistic loss is greater than the actual threat of chemical weapons. Western intelligence agencies believe that the the Hezbollah in long-term all-round support of Syria and Iran from the funds and weapons to personnel. According to media reports, Hezbollah from Syria to get at least 100 M600 ballistic missile, the missile can carry a half-ton warhead and a range of 250 km. Said that Hezbollah had only Iranian system "dawn -5" rockets and zar zar "tactical rocket, the former has a range of 75 kilometers, the warhead weighing 91 kilograms, hit errors of up to 1000 m, the latter a range of 200 km, warhead weighs 636 kilograms, hit the error is greater. In accordance with U.S. standards, these weapons are outdated, and the threat of Israel depth target. Xujun equipped M600 and more advanced Scud improved missiles not only a range of further, higher precision, and can also be launched within 10 minutes, Hezbollah them, simply launch vehicles hidden in Lebanon the southern foothills of the launch will be able to quickly hide, the Israeli anti-missile system might be very hard to detect.
  In fact, based on the experience of the war in Iraq and Libya, the Syrian situation so many outward diffusion of conventional weapons is inevitable. And the first two countries, Syria's equally equipped with a large-scale, full range of anti-aircraft missiles. Syria light in the beginning of the 21st century, according to Russian media disclosures on imports from Russia for more than 4000 sets of various types of portable surface-to-air missile. Disclosure, according to Al Jazeera, the gradual loss of control of the border due to the Syria government troops and security forces, the large number of arms trafficking has Xujun arsenal as a treasure trove of fortune. The West fears is that if the recent turmoil in the Middle East led to a large number of portable anti-aircraft missiles from falling into the hands of terrorist organizations, may be more difficult to protect the security of the national airliner. In addition, Xujun other anti-aircraft missiles, any loss of home, may also affect the stability of the Middle East. Xujun in the Russian-made "wasp-ASK" surface-to-air missile to missile guidance radar integrated in an armored vehicle, each vehicle carrying six missiles against aerial targets 30 km away, can enhance the Hezbollah ability to prevent an Israeli air strike.
  Compared to the leakage of military hardware, Syria, a large number have received professional training missile technology brain drain may cause a greater threat. After the Iraq War, a large number of long-range missiles in Iraq fled to Iran hiding. Today, this scene may be a repeat of the Syrian missile talent enough to change the status quo of Hezbollah guerrillas homemade rockets powerful range of nearly. If these professionals fall into the hands of terrorist organizations, the threat to the world is self-evident.

Russia attempted to use a self-employed since the adoption of the 10 barrels of cranberries to repay rejected

Comprehensive report of the World Wide Web, according to Russia's "ties" News, Dec. 5, Tomsk, Russia Federal Judicial Police, said the 5th, a local self-employed with 10 barrels of fresh cranberries to repay the cost of insurance owed by law enforcement departments refused.
  According to reports, the name of the self-employed arrears of 16,000 rubles (about 3,236 yuan), enforced, although he paid part of the debt, but still arrears 9600 rubles (about 1942 yuan). Subsequently, the livelihood of the self-employed to harvest wild cranberries harvested 10 barrels of cranberries sent to law enforcement agencies, and hopes to offset the debt owed. But staff refused his request, and such repaid can not accept.
  It is reported that this self-employed for the cranberries to find a buyer, and has to to pay arrears eliminate case.

The United States refused to sold Pakistan Predator UAV worries that China will steal confidential

Figure: Predator
[World Wide Web Roundup] According to the U.S. Global Strategic Network reported that Pakistan recently announced that it will get armed drones, but did not disclose other details. 6 years, Pakistan has been trying to get armed drones, but always failed. However, China has recently suggested several missile, the Blue Arrow -7 HJ-10, "Hellfire" missiles with the United States in size and performance is quite similar, and can be armed UAV top. Although there have been reports of these missiles for export, but China has yet to find a buyer, but there is no indication to prove the true effectiveness of these missiles. External shape, weight and performance are similar to American Predator UAV, CH-4 UAV. CH-4 UAV like US-made MQ-9 "Reaper", but the volume is closer to 1.2 tons of "Predator UAV. CH-4 UAV weighs 1.1 tons, has a wingspan of 14 meters, the captain of 9 meters. Its service ceiling of 5300 meters, the life time of over 20 hours. The UAV is capable of carrying two blue arrows -7 missiles. Perhaps Pakistan in China after some successful test before purchasing this UAV.
  In the past five years, Pakistan has deployed a variety of unmanned aerial vehicles in its border regions of Afghanistan and India. One of the most effective is the 6-year before purchased from Italy "Falcon" type UAV. 4 years ago, Pakistan completed the assessment of the "Falcon" type UAV, and fitted out in at least four of the UAV. "Falcon" type UAV, weighing 420 kg, 68.2 kg payload. Its service ceiling of 5000 meters, but usually in the low-altitude (2000) flight. The UAV life time up to 12 hours, but typically perform tasks for 6-8 hours. The Falcon UAV top speed of 210 km, but usually only 150 kilometers an hour flight. It can fly to the ground station 200 kilometers away from its place, and be able to take off and land from the airport runway, or catapult off using a parachute landing.
  In the past decade or so, Pakistan is also fitted out in several Chinese UAV. First, Pakistan imports from China, the ASN-105 reconnaissance UAV. The UAV weighs 140 kg, 40 kg payload, the life time of only two hours. This is the design of the 1980s, has been ASN-206/207 replaced. ASN-206/207 UAV weighs 222 kg payload of 50 kg. 207-type maximum life time of 8 hours, but generally only 4 hours of continuous flight. The maximum control distance of 150 km and a cruising speed of about 180 kilometers.
  Pakistan is also developing its own unmanned aerial vehicles, four years ago, the the country tested Uqaab UAV. The design and commercial UAV particularly similar. Commercial UAV that less than 250 kg of small UAVs, Governments and enterprises since the 1990s, began extensive application of the UAV. Uqaab UAV is also similar to the U.S. Army RQ-7B "Shadow" (Shadow) 200 UAV system. Recently, a Pakistani company produced 470 kg Shahpar UAV UAV every time can fly continuously for seven hours, and the CH-3 is extremely similar.
  Pakistan has asked the "Predator" unmanned aerial vehicles imported from the United States, but was rejected in Washington, because the United States worried that China will "dissect" the UAV opportunities in the United States, then grasp the many production secrets. For decades, Pakistan and China have been close allies. No secrets at all between the two countries. However, European countries, such as Italy and Germany, are willing to export to Pakistan unarmed UAV. Zhiyuan northerly

U.S. media: China research unmanned carrier aircraft, but the U.S. is still ahead

December 4, 2012, the United States, "Strategy Page" website published the article "UCAV completed the first launch of for (Combat the UAV Makes First Catapult Launch) This paper describes the U.S. Navy's X-47B prototype many of the details of the aircraft flight test, part of the performance of the X-47B, that the American UCAV technology is far more than China. Articles compiled now as follows:
  November 29, 2012, the U.S. Navy X-47B UCAV (UCAV) first catapult launch from the X-47B first flight only 22 months. The aim of this emission is In order to confirm that the X-47B can withstand the pressure of the aircraft catapult. An X-47B is already loaded on top of the deck of an aircraft carrier, test mobility unmanned fighter on the deck. If all goes well, next year will be the first aircraft carrier launch, recovery of the X-47B test, the unmanned fighter landed software R & D in 2011, the U.S. Navy, and the manned F-18 Hornet fighter test The F-18 landed safely on the deck in the automatic landing software control.
  U.S. Navy test X-47B UCAV four years time. This compact aircraft wingspan of 20 meters, 25% of the outside of the wing folding to save space, can be mounted to a load of 2 tons, the life time of 12 hours, is recognized as the next main fighter models. UCAV development in the United States ahead of other countries, Russia, Europe and China is also developing a similar spacecraft. United States The X-47B launch is bound to stimulate the UCAV developed in other countries.
  The U.S. Navy plans to deploy unmanned combat air carrier as soon as possible, the current plan is officially installed in six years UCAV carrier-based unmanned aerial vehicles will be fitted out faster. Currently, the U.S. carriers generally takeoff bomber targets 800 km away, while the range of the aircraft and missiles with a range of potential opponents far more than 800 kilometers, research and development after the success of the X-47B unmanned fighter carrier aircraft takeoff distance expanded to 2500 km away.
  Last year, the U.S. Navy to discuss the stealth F-35B and F-35C fighter procurement quantity mitigation program, the new X-47B UCAV procurement of savings. The U.S. Navy plans to purchase 680 stealth fighter F-35B and F-35C aircraft cost 100 million U.S. dollars. UCAV cost less than $ 50 million, but it can have the same function, but also has a greater range, and reduce the risk of pilot sacrifice.
  Over the past 10 years, the U.S. Navy has been studying the UCAV aircraft carrier to apply, four years ago, The first X-47B prototype manufacturing, with a similar hit ground targets with Predator, "death" without The man-machine also have this ability, being replaced by the F-16 and other bombers models with the fastest speed combat missions. X-47B weighs 20 tons, 4 tons lighter than the 24-ton F-18A fighter, you can mount two tons of small bombs. X-47B installed the F100-PW-220 engine, which is now the F-16 and F-15 engine.
  U.S. Air Force and Navy UAV slightly different timing Air Force stressed UCAV wartime quick-strike capability, the Navy UCAV replace the aircraft carrier fighter, reduce the cost of training of carrier pilots. X-47B or slightly larger X-47C although not the final carrier-based unmanned fighter Model X aircraft beginning are also test models, but after the success of R & D, responsible for reconnaissance and bombing missions model named MQ-47B .
  U.S. Department of Defense high-level support for the Navy UCAV project, to stimulate the U.S. Air Force is also developing unmanned fighter model, in addition to the production of a sufficient number of MQ-9 UAV carries out ground attack missions, will be responsible for reconnaissance and surveillance missions. Navy UCAV can mount more weapons, longer life time, more rapid deployment capabilities.

India to consider a second aircraft aircraft carriers with catapults and nuclear power

British "Flight International" magazine official website December 6, 2012 published article said that India is about to make a second aircraft whether the aircraft carriers with catapult decision.
  Aboard the aircraft carrier in the Indian Navy circles called IAC-2, which means "second domestic carrier ship", the first domestic carrier is Cochin Shipyard, aboard the aircraft carrier body like Vic la Tia No. (Russia used The aircraft carrier Gorshkov No.), a displacement of 36,000 tons, the carrier-based aircraft ski - jump.
  Reported that the IAC-2 larger, the displacement of nearly 60,000 tons, is expected to be in service in 10 to 15 years, the source said, the Indian Navy within the senior generals tend to be equipped with the aircraft carrier catapult As steam catapult or electromagnetic catapult, which will be concluded in July 2013. India is considered as the second ship of China-made aircraft carrier with the possibility of nuclear power.
  With three aircraft carrier Indian Navy plans to maintain two duty in both sides of the coast of the Indian peninsula, the other a maintenance or training mission, is only an old the retiring virrat No.. As planned, Vic Rama Tia number should be delivered this month, but was postponed until the second half of 2013.
  The article commented that the IAC-2 assembly catapult can be equipped with even larger and more powerful fighter, the fighter can carry more fuel and weapons load, specific models such as the Dassault Rafale (has won 126 of the Indian Air Force medium multi-role fighter bid), or Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet; IAC-2 If the assembly catapult, can also be equipped with a similar U.S. E-2D carrier-based AWACS to provide than carrier-based early warning helicopters a wider range of situational awareness.

U.S. media said the Chinese shot DF31A or Italy to the United States in support of military tough

U.S. media speculated that China and then shot the Dongfeng 31 is intended to support the military, the U.S. tough.
Washington Freedom Lighthouse website reported on Dec. 4, the second on November 30 road-mobile DF-31A missile test-fired. The missile tests took place in North Korea test-fired long-range missiles a few days before the announced. The report also quoted the U.S. Agency for International Assessment and Strategy Center recently published a China expert Richard Fisher saying, If the Chinese from base in Qinghai underground or launch pad Dongfeng-31A missiles, this missile might be able to attack to the United States intercontinental ballistic missile base in North Dakota.
  U.S. intelligence officials said that the November 30 second test road mobile Dongfeng-31A missiles. The missile is capable of launch nuclear warheads to attack U.S. cities. The missile tests took place in North Korea test-fired long-range missiles a few days before the announced. The test-firing was conducted in Shanxi Province is located in the northwest wuzhai aerospace and missile test center. U.S. intelligence airborne and space sensors to detect the missile tests. Reported that, since August of this year, China's second test-fired the Dongfeng-31A missiles, highlighting China's growing strategic nuclear forces. The test-fired and also joint disaster relief exercises in the United States and Chengdu last day.
  Is well known that China has always been the use of missile tests and the release of political signal For example, in 1996, China passed near the Taiwan Strait missile exercises affect the Taiwan island select. Analysts pointed out that, the Dongfeng-31A test is likely intended to support the Chinese military of the United States, especially in the tough stance of the U.S. military. The last time the Dongfeng-31A test-firing took place on August 30 this year.
  On July 24 this year, China has test-fired a new Dongfeng -41 road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles, this missile can be used is known as China's first multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile re-enter the atmosphere vehicle technology.
  Dongfeng-31A missiles originally deployed before 2007, is believed to be able to carry up to five warheads. Has a maximum range of 5,000 miles. There are signs that said, this missile can also be equipped with the top of the rail car disguised as a passenger out equipment.
  Pentagon spokesman declined to comment on China's latest missile test-firing test. Said in an interview with the "freedom lighthouse," We are closely monitoring China's military development, and urged China to improve its military ability and intent to transparency, "and in August of this year, a Pentagon spokesman, in response to last Dongfeng-31A missiles test shot, only that the Pentagon would "continue to closely monitor China's military modernization efforts, including offensive missile force development efforts."
  At the same time, the United States was seeking nuclear weapons reduction policy in the Obama reduce its missile and nuclear forces. In March this year, the National Defense University speech, Obama said "We are approaching the future we want one of these weapons systems will never again threaten the future of our descendants, a security without nuclear weapons and peaceful future. '
  U.S. Agency for International Assessment and Strategy Center recently published a China expert Richard Fisher said the Obama administration should inform the public more information about China's strategic nuclear modernization project. To do so, to avoid "possible nuclear accident, ensure to exert more pressure on China in this regard, forcing them to increase transparency in the field. Fisher also said that, from the underground base in Qinghai or emission units, Dongfeng-31A missiles may be able to attack the intercontinental ballistic missile base in the United States located in North Dakota.
  Fisher noted that the development of the Dongfeng-31A missiles, suggesting that China may build nuclear counterattack strategy, and the strategy you need to secretly build missiles with warheads higher figures than the U.S. intelligence agencies estimate. He said that China may launch its large-scale underground nuclear facilities within the motor Dongfeng-31A the device storage missile - alleged underground nuclear facilities, including the 3,000-mile-long tunnel. The Chinese government consistently claims that its nuclear forces is limited to retaliatory action to launch a nuclear attack, we only need a small amount of the missile can be, but Fisher stressed that this is only "scam": repeating a saying, but the doing, it said exactly the opposite, which reflect the ancient Chinese strategic culture. '
  At the same time, U.S. officials said North Korea test-fired the Taepodong 2 missile preparatory work has come to the final stage is expected that this will further exacerbate tensions in the region. "Taepodong" missile has been in a launch plant in North Korea is ready. U.S. officials said the North Korean side could come as early as December 10, the test-firing test. The last Taepodong 2 missile test-firing test was held in April this year, but not only in the launch that ended in failure.
  Georgetown University arms control expert Philip • A • Kappa pointed out, the Dongfeng-31A missiles is extremely important, because it is capable of carrying nuclear warheads to attack the continental United States, the last Dongfeng-31A test-fired highlights China's expanding strategic arsenal. Kappa said: "China is committed to modernizing its ballistic missile arsenal, from tactical to strategic systems, what they abide by the call the next generation of the evidence of the commitment of military revolution." Ironically, they think followed by the next wave of when the United States in a significant reduction in our use of ballistic missiles, the ability to protect national security.


United States presidential election, Japanese soy sauce

The last TV discussion theme of the two candidates in the U.S. presidential election is about issues of diplomacy and defense. It is said that in the discussion is repeatedly brought thirty times, Indian media as if by the point of stimulation on the statistics, because the two candidates actually does not once mention India. So the Indians found that they seem to have not fully rise, to work harder to catch up so.
Japanese media can see similar grievances, but the Japanese and Indians complain not because what the rise does not rise, but will not be out of the American policy of what happens to the concerns.
United States every four years, we must elect a President. The Americans may be the biggest political event, but people outside the United States does not need to go to the United States presidential election seriously. The reason is very simple, "the President of the United States, only the United States president. Not "non-interference in each other's internal affairs" or "insist that national sovereignty is inviolable, but the President of the United States first consideration is the national interest of the United States, only been guaranteed in the national interest of the United States only after a free hand to deal with other problems.
Means that although the United States called called "free world leaders, in fact, the only things in your own home cuisine good to go when the leaders. Americans who votes cast in the election for president is basically based on their own feelings in the four-year period, almost absolute position in the weights evaluation of the achievements of the regime in the internal affairs of scale, no diplomatic relationship.
In fact, as the allies of the United States, Japan's most know the truth, Japanese media reported on the U.S. presidential election can only say "spend a bit of space", the main topic on the home page of Japan's largest portal, Yahoo Japan " on even even the U.S. presidential election is not listed to go up, this practice is not the first time, every time when the U.S. presidential election is nothing exciting report.
Japanese media neither explain in detail the key dispute of the election controversy, nor to predict who is more hope of winning, because the Japanese know that no matter who is in power, the United States in large-scale changes in foreign policy impossible. Recently, because of the Diaoyu Islands issue, the relationship between China and Japan has become very tense, proceed from their own situation, the Japanese in the heart may hope that the new power President of the United States will take care of more and more Japanese, but also know that it is impossible to intellectually 's. Slang called "decided to head butt," Do not look at the time of the election may be someone electors would say hype, but as long as he sit on the throne of the President of the United States, the sayings and doings of not the same.
So far, in addition to the NHK organized a seminar in the morning of the 28th, find several experts to talk about U.S. domestic and foreign policies will not because of the result of the election and what happens outside of the U.S. presidential election, which home mainstream media, print media issued a formal editorial, are just some of the commentator's article, and the focus of the article is not Americans are not mentioned. They noted that is why even the diplomatic defense issues special TV debate "Japan-US alliance," the word does not appear too!
In fact, a little to think about and will be able to understand the problem. In theory, the Japan-US alliance is used to protect the unarmed Japanese non-threatening, the original such a threat from the Soviet Union, in the minds of the Japanese, now the threat from China, but since the Americans Yaguchi talk about Japan-US alliance , is the same as saying the Americans do not believe that Japan by what threat, and this is not the average American is going to become the president of Americans.
The Japanese certainly will not miss such a signal, the looks on the surface, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Republican conservatives in this election little insight while accusing the Chinese, and even compete with each other to see who accused The higher the tone of the suspects, but a very pessimistic about the fact that makes the Japanese is has the most extensive economic ties between China and the United States, many common interests between the two countries in the economic, and China still holds up U.S. Treasuries country , so no matter who served as the President of the United States will not honor the promise in the campaign pm, and this is not the first time, basically from the 1992 presidential election, every time repeat challenger accused the defense China policy is too weak, and will take a tougher policy toward China after taking office, but really take after taking office policy and former or less the same, so do not expect the Japanese even if it will be how Romney took office.
However, if the Japanese can really vote, it is estimated that the Japanese still will vote for Romney, This is not a very tough tone because Romney now talking about China, but because of Romney's economic wrist at least not Biau Bama worse, because Obama has a four-year performance, he is an economically sound crazy. The United States is the largest export market for Japanese products, the downturn in Europe, China and Japan half a dozen trade war, the Japanese can only count on the U.S. market, and not only count on the United States not to resort to trade protectionism, but also expect the U.S. market to recover as soon as possible From this point, the pragmatic Japanese are more optimistic about Romney.

Japanese home appliance why is life and death?

And improve the corresponding English words of these two characters is what is generally likely to answer "improvement", but actually in English there is a word of "kaizen", corresponding to the mean, and the enterprise management and quality control when "kaizen" was also some more. "Kaizen" is from the Japanese pronunciation of "improvement" to come from the famous " Toyota production methods, the Toyota people say: "The so-called work is to improve" after World War II, Edward W. Edwards Deming modern production management techniques taught to the Japanese, the Japanese developed on the basis of a set of Japanese-style production management methods, the vertices of this management model is the "Toyota Production System," the development of the Toyota Motor Corporation has become the largest car manufacturer in the world is this mode of production do the best endorsement so "kaizen" along with the popular world.
"Improve" the essence of the daily and hourly negate past. Almost can use such a word to describe this "improvement": there is no "right" way of working, but past or existing work is definitely wrong, and will certainly be able to find a more correct way of working, the key is to find , so he began a tireless improve the process, make a vivid example: "and then twist a dry towel.
Dry towel always never twisted water does not come out that day, Japan's home appliance industry has encountered this day, from the seventies of the last century began sweeping the world of Japanese appliances now really is life and death crisis.
Panasonic, Sony and Sharp three appliances were 772.1 billion yen (about 9.65 billion U.S. dollars), 456.6 billion yen (U.S. $ 5.71 billion) and 376 billion yen (about $ 4.7 billion in March 2012 ), a huge deficit, The Panasonic deficit created the company's history and the highest deficit recorded in the same industry in Japan.
One year later, the three companies in trying to turn around under one's strength, if normal, then in March next year, the accounts should "V" shaped response, at least, should no longer deficit. But a few days before the company issued March 2013 accounts expected absolutely astonishing: the Sharp still a deficit of 450 billion yen, and Panasonic once again appeared a deficit of 770 billion yen, which is only forecast values, true accounts data breakthroughs in the last year, a new high not impossible.
Sony in the first half of this year, there have been a deficit of 40.1 billion yen (about U.S. $ 5 billion), but at this stage, Sony insists that they can system operator to achieve profitability appears black and full year. But in fact appears even to the last Sony black and does not mean they operating better than that Sharp or Panasonic, Sony day a little bit better just good financial sector gains at the same time operating , in fact, Sony's black and is likely to Bishop and Panasonic deficit more clearly expose a fact: Japan's home appliance industry has not "Gone" simply been fully sunk.
If the lack of market competitiveness of Japanese products, the Japanese certainly will be attributed to "the yen is too strong", in fact, not entirely so. Also strong yen, Japan's car manufacturers but also much better than the day of Japan's household electrical appliance enterprises, and home appliance products manufactured outside Japan and Japan's home appliance manufacturers are still less competitive on foreign markets in Japan, in fact, motionless mention the yen has been described where the problem lies.
Japanese has not really aware of their lack of effort that, but very stubborn to a kind of "Japan is number one," the self-confidence and pride, according to this "improvement" is from. Actually improved addition to the formation of the Toyota Kingdom, also formed unique to Japan has been dubbed the "Galapagos evolutionary Japan mobile phone. Although the Japanese mobile phone has not been competitive in the international market, but the Japanese shortly before or feel relish Japan phone flip is how well, the key is how the Spirit, until the iPhone to tell the Japanese, in fact, the phone can not flip Even the buttons are not.
Such instances has long been and Osaka had one specializing jukebox company with a stylus. It styluses production quality first in the world, accounting for 80% of the world market share, but the company is now no reason is very simple, because the jukebox has no one with a. The emergence of the CD, especially after the popularity of the CD, making records and gramophones only antique collectors interested in going to turn into even the best quality album can not compete with most ordinary CD player, let alone now iPod. Improve in the years of revolution useful, but can not do anything before the revolution.
The Japanese home appliance industry is facing the problem of the loss of the ability to innovate, the modular technology development of the Japanese home appliance enterprises have cited people take pride in the quality has not a daunting railings At this time there is no unique products and display no quality advantage of Japanese companies has no choice but to join the ranks of price competition, he exposed the factory buildings, the scale of production is too small drawback. If these problems can not be solved, complain that the yen is too strong is of no use.

Japanese Prime Minister sum one long village

The central government than the local government to be "large", so to be able to "control" the local government, if the word "possession" means local governments have stuck in front of the central government, and that in many places may not like, such as in Japan. Really from the law, the Japanese central government is able to bundle live in the place of the Chief Executive of the local government is really small, often "helpless". The reason is that the Chief Executive of the local government by democratically elected from, subject only to the constraints of the Public Offices Election Law, as long as it does not break the law, no one can remove him from office, so even if the central government and he did not rule from this sense really "The Prime Minister and the the village head side of the child."
Of course, in practice the central government influence local governments at lower levels of the local government or the local government at a higher level, or some, but also great, but this influence is not implemented by personnel authority. Japan's central government to local governments to "make trouble" only in financial problems, many local governments in Japan, the main sources of fiscal revenue and expenditure is a place also pay taxes "in the budget of the central government, which also pay the proportion the timing of delivery will be able to make local government distress when they need to look at the central or Eye of the higher levels of government, the Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto reforms advocated a content is variable consumption tax to local taxes "just want to get rid of" relying on Central to eat, "the status quo.
The hands of the central government becomes no money, the so-called "pay taxes" is just collecting taxes from all over the re-allocated once only, do not need to rely on the central to local financial already quite well-off, also pay taxes to dinner, or the Chief Executive of the local government bent on the fugitive rebellion, "make trouble" invalid. Thing a farce, became the center of attention of the community even more to rely on to solve the proceedings go, if the chance encounter on legal vulnerability, then it is even more troublesome.
Out in Japan last year, an example of such a dumbfounding Kagoshima Prefecture Akune City Mayor Takehara letter so numerous from central to local officials and legal experts as well as all commentators have petrochemical, because he's as unheard Jiansuoweijian.
Akune City is not a big city, the total population was only 23,000, called called "City" on China is a small town, so the mayor rebellions up from Taro Aso began to Hatoyama Yukio then later Naoto Kan, prime ministers, are just buried when the ostrich does not comment on, just as a thing did not happen.
First, a reformist, Takehara letter want to cut down the wages of the members of parliament and local civil servants who quit the Councilmember and local civil servants are of course, firmly opposed to such Takehara mayor and council became deadly rival, Mayor dissolution over impeachment Parliament, Mayor re-election, but in the end elected Members of the original and the original Mayor.
Later, the mayor of drill legal loopholes, he first participated in the council meeting. According to the Japanese Local Autonomy Law, governors attended the parliamentary session is invalid, this next Parliament passed no resolution, because they open the black will. Then later, the mayor simply not convene the City Council, and more than half a year did not convene Parliament will be opened, and all have the final say by the mayor.
This problem, how parliamentary democracy can not convene Parliament meeting? The law does have provisions to prevent the executive heads of the parliamentary session to interfere with Parliament, but never thought there could be a lawless local leaders to convene parliament meeting, so there is no relative terms, suddenly there would be no way to.
Kagoshima Prefecture "advised Mayor Takehara convene parliament meeting Takehara simply ignored him, the General Secretary of the Cabinet in charge of local self-government" advised "Takehara, Takehara or ignore him. Because the law provides for penalties up convene Parliament to be mayor, but did not say no to convene meetings of the legislature violated the law, not to dispose of such behavior, so central to the county.
That county central government can dismiss the hapless mayor? Can not, Prime Minister, and the village chief is elected, who who also withdrawal can not afford. The village chief would like doing, as long as the villagers did not have views on the line, and others, not to say this was a 23,000 Mayor.
That is not no other way? The mayor is elected by the voters, only voters to his election to go. Choose again, if we can elect down the line you? But it can not look at the mayor is not pleasing to the eye casually re-election as a not all day long just elected mayor of a? So the law is to have more than one-third of the voters agreed, before they can enter the mayor's recall procedures, re-elect Mayor.
So starting in 2010, there are some members of the public up an attempt to break the impasse, the so-called no other way to break the deadlock in addition to the recall of Mayor, has collected the signatures of more than one third of the voters in September to start the recall Mayor procedures. Recall election in January 2011, and the results initiate recall procedures of West Taira of votes 8509, and Takehara letter a 7645 votes, Akune City Council convened considered to solve the problem, it also gives the Japanese a lesson, and has entered the program to change the law to punish those who refused to convene that may arise in the future Chief Executive of the local council.
Mayor Takehara go too far in this case, in flagrant violation of the fundamental parliamentary democracy, caused public resentment this failure in the elections, if the local chief executive is able to get the full support of the voters, the higher levels of government is really on He had no way

Shinzo Abe save Janpanese economy?

Ten years in Japan do not hear any good news, especially after last year's East Japan earthquake. Originally, the economy has been sluggish for twenty years, the series appeared in the four-month international trade balance deficit more people the feeling of despair on the prospects for Japan's economy.
Japanese explain why Japan's economy will slump most common reason is that "the yen is too high so that the companies can not be profitable." So when the appreciation of the yen, Japan, the stock market is certainly lower, the stock market was higher to the yen lower, The only exception is the mid-1990s when the yen, the trinity of bonds and the stock market falling at the same time, it is astronomical bad debts to Japanese financial authorities since the bursting of the bubble economy of the Japanese financial system is very fragile, Japanese financial authorities the bad debt problem is basically in the era of Junichiro Koizumi has been resolved, so start normal connection of the yen and the stock market is going in the opposite direction of each other.
Often have a lot of variation in the euro exchange rate of the yen against the U.S. dollar, one percent is common, the exchange rate of Japanese companies operating does have a great impact in the day beating. Rising yen's impact on corporate earnings is mainly manifested in two ways, the first is the yen's appreciation will bring the prices of Japanese products on overseas markets and thus weaken the price competitiveness of Japanese products, such as 100 yen to one U.S. dollar the exchange rate, a 2 million yen vehicles sell $ 20,000 when the exchange rate rose to 80 yen, the car is necessary $ 25,000. This case can also transfer production base, as close as possible to market the country to solve the production cost, but the transfer of production bases can only solve the cost problem, not solve the negative effects of the appreciation of the yen on the profits generated. Such as a company in foreign sales income of one hundred million U.S. dollars in the exchange rate of 100 yen is equivalent to 10 billion yen, but if the exchange rate becomes 80, this sales revenue has become 8 billion yen, 20 one hundred million yen so suddenly disappear!
Annual plans of the major Japanese companies have a very important indicator on the expected exchange rate, the expected exchange rate and the deviation of the actual exchange rate is largely about the company's revenue, and sometimes even a matter of survival. Take the Toyota company, it uses the expected exchange rate is the exchange rate of the real exchange rate plans published minus one, because the yen has been hovering in some time ago in the U.S. dollar was 80 yen level, so the 2013 Toyota uses envisioned The exchange rate is 79.
But the real exchange rate in the foreign exchange market these days down to 82.
Do not know the exchange rate can last much longer, if able to maintain a little longer, then, it is definitely good news for Toyota, the exchange rate of one yen lower to Toyota throughout the year to increase to 40 billion yen (about five hundred million dollars) in profits, if the exchange rate of the 82 to adhere to the end of next year, then to light a Toyota company earnings will increase to $ 1.5 billion.
Japanese media these days is hard to come by, have a point of live gas, to know that the yen exchange rate fell down to about 3%, the stock market reacted immediately, the stock value go up is a very natural reaction.
There are two main reasons for the yen fell and stock appreciation, said the first reason is also interesting, actually is Japan's trade deficit. After the economic bubble burst in the early 1990s, the Japanese economy has been sluggish, and has not been in the economic crisis is a financial crisis, but the strange thing is in addition to the mid-1990s, in a short period of time the yen has almost always maintained a strong upward momentum, and Japan's economic performance seems to be very in tune. In fact, Japan's economic crisis and not as depicted so profound, in fact, Japan has maintained a foreign trade black lettering, but the way that a large part of the black and is hidden up the transfer of production bases to foreign, so although GDP is like to be frozen forty years like almost no change, but the unemployment rate is still very low, not see an economic crisis of Europe and the United States to the streets crowded with unemployed people as the scene did not have much of a substantial reduction in the standard of living of the Japanese, income from the statistical data is reduced, but the prices are at the same time reduced. The basic reason behind the long-term strength of the yen is trading in black trade disappearance of black makes reduced the trust for the yen, the yen fell it began.
Another reason is promising to be a reference to the Bank of Japan (Japan's central bank, the equivalent of China's People's Bank of China) to implement unlimited financial easing "in the policy agenda of the next Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has even proposed Bank of Japan directly accept construction bonds to achieve year-on-year inflation rate of 3% in order to get rid of the status quo of deflation. This further makes people doubt the yen credit, but also a lot of factors that trigger the yen lower. This economic practices in Japan is also a controversial subject, support and opposing views have.
These two reasons for making this yen fell with uncertainty, if the trade deficit and the yen completely become a complementary relationship, Japan's economic problems are not completely resolved, at best, to finally be able to eke out the trade balance . The second reason is even more full of unknowns, and in the early postwar period, Japan had indeed been dominated by the view that inflation Okura bureaucrats economic recovery, but the elite bureaucracy in Japan no longer dominate, dominate quality low of elected politicians, so now not 60 years ago, Shinzo Abe this prescription to cure the disease, Japan does not look likely.

Yueyang the cut cake case truth inadequate public opinion difficult to alleviate

Overnight, cut cake into a new network of hot words. Things from the December 3 Yueyang, Hunan Public Security a microblogging said the villagers Lingmou buy the foreign traders walnut candy (cut cake), the two sides disputes triggered the brawl event due to poor language and communication. It is worth noting that the news that foreign traders are damaged, cut cake worth 160,000 yuan. Cut cake so beyond the common sense of the "high price" attracted netizens questioned, and various kinds of "cut cake body" ridicule-style sentences rage. No way, the various emotions smoldering more, it can only ridicule digestion.
This is microblogging was quickly removed under the pressure of public opinion; December 5, Yueyang police previously Publish inaccurate information, apologize. And to explain the "high price cut cake, said the trade dispute on November 21, foreign traders are loss of 16 three-wheeled motorcycle, a walnut candy 5520 pounds of losses and medical expenses for victims of a total of 15 million yuan.
Ethnic specialty food reportedly brewed by walnut corn yee, raisins, grape juice, sesame seeds, roses, Badan apricot, jujube and other raw materials, high density, heavy weight, 16 cars of 5520 pounds worth of cut cake 96,600 yuan walnut candy, it seems to clarify the "high price cut cake" misreading.
In less than two dollars a pound, so cut cake reduced to cut cake, but this truth can not be called the truth. Notified questioned the high price is obviously not true of public opinion. People only to the "cut cake body", and drinking wine, pouring the hearts of the pine: very few hard sell bully off false money, cut cake vendors like ghostly wandering in the country, and some local police just to leave it alone, weak law enforcement, even more public insecurity unabated.
To name just a news report in Shijiazhuang in 2009, for example, only 110 local admissibility of similar cases from 56, cut cake outcry 3 per pound, twelve cut later renamed, bought the required multiple of payment, not buy it was a stick assault. Fortunately, the 34 cakes traders winning police.
Hunan Yueyang police to apologize and explain, just to clarify a doubt one of the police does not condone the "victim party wild speculations. Must also clarify the doubts of the two, is the cause of this dispute, and in the end from the language miscommunication or suspected false and inducements and hard sell? Criminal "and" Public Security Administration Punishment Law "means the threat of violence hard sell strictly prohibited. Doubt the dispute nature, in the end it is gang fights or intentional damage other people's property and beating another case, whoever put violence between the two sides, the parties "Lingmou mustered neighbors wanton revenge, or unwilling to be falsely been hit and rise up self-defense. Only the facts are clear to distinguish responsibility. According to the police a few words, Yiyanbuge beating lift cargo smashed cars, and all the way thwarted 16 local villagers a few is no different from the evil forces with tyrannical bully strangers. This is really confusing. Doubt four events ending Lingmou criminal detention, 16 selling cut cake get compensation after being repatriated to their hometowns, and the repatriation of the 16 foreign staff to return permanently to the legal basis for lie? Not to mention or victims.
Public law enforcement the right to expect is that given Mediating Dispute, the need to maintain order, and equality before the law "is the law enforcement acts the legality and legitimacy of the premise. People have reason to question its omission, incomplete, inaccurate view of Hunan Yueyang police information disclosure, not as even as chaos. But in the end, with original pure criminal cases, should not be given to how special significance.
In fact, the violence caused by the foul language, fraud, violent, discrimination in various areas within the various groups have occurred, is not surprising. Kind of irresponsible geographical attacks and verbal abuse, we must resolutely oppose and be treated in strict vigilance.

Please to Zhang Chao have a responsible answer

"Thoracotomy lung examination, Zhang Chao became famous pneumoconiosis and awarded 615,000 yuan, he bought a car , air conditioning, as well as desktop computers, as long as there are three things in rural subsistence allowances are not on, so then the minimal needs approval by the government "on everything" was canceled. Optimistic estimates, Zhang Chao also has four life after divorce, he is for his daughter to find foster care. (Related News See Today newspaper 27 Edition)
3 years ago thoracotomy lung examination, Zhang Chao known to the world of little people to survive on the margins of society. Subsequently, he the "rights Warrior image appeared in public view. No one would think that such an extreme alternative means of protection can really change anything, but the people at least believe that it is the fate of the individual to bring a turning point. Therefore, when the "Zhang Chao also has four life after divorce, he is looking for the daughter raised on behalf of the news, can not help but Heart Health lament, despite our clear this tragic fate is in fact already doomed.
For death, Zhang Chao very lightly: "breathing animals are free of charge to the rights, but this point of pneumoconiosis are deprived of the right to sometimes think about it really as good as other animal health care, at least shall not pneumoconiosis". Totally disheartened, when a person is issued a "Better Takumi other animal life emotion, the expression is not open-minded and detached, but the despair of this world there is no nostalgia.
When the measure 600,000 pneumoconiosis groups unfortunately Fortunately standard "alive", which is kind of sad? That year, Zhang Chao once single-handedly, to arouse the attention of the public pneumoconiosis groups, Zhang Chao also won the "everything", the applause and flowers. This is not so much the Zhang super lucky, as it is the sinking of a group. Overtaken by events, despite three years of Zhang Chao never stopped activist footsteps, but in fact, he is in fact what has not changed, but also unable to change, including his disease engulfs health, chest lung examination once earthshaking, but the right to protest in a tidbits.
Since the end of 2009, Zhang Chao began to help around pneumoconiosis Friends of rights, geographical, including Henan, Guizhou, Sichuan, involvement of more than one hundred cases of pneumoconiosis patients have contact with more than a thousand. Zhang Chao's sense of justice breathtakingly, but suffering from a serious illness or even life pneumoconiosis patients still running the first line of the defenders, but reveal such a merciless reality: Today, occupational disease patient advocacy remains extremely difficult, "rights The success rate of less than one percent, and occupational protective and ambulance system is still not perfect, and as a relief to the main body, the relevant government departments still did not seem to assume the duties due.
Who is going to experience chest lung an account? Who to thousands of occupational diseases a responsible answer? This is the ask ask and justice can not be avoided era.

heavy fines and mitigation of the sentence may have a yardstick?

December 3rd, Nanchang Intermediate People's Court of Final Appeal handed Liao Ming, Jiangxi Agricultural University, former Vice-Chancellor of the traffic accident case, revoked the judgment of the court of first instance to three years in prison real punishment commuted his probation.
This immediately caused uproar in the judgment, before and after the two judgments are three years in prison, however, a detained a detention, the difference is not self-evident. The reasons given by the Nanchang Intermediate People's Court, which turned out to include Liao belonging to China's agricultural applied to the field of high-tech talent. This is tantamount to fueling, even after the introduction of the Criminal Code Eighth Amendment first jailed for dangerous driving offense musician Gao Xiaosong, not without ridicule followed a praised the people's court of human nature on the surface of law enforcement, but in reality the means containing insinuations.
The evening of 9 May 2011, Gao Xiaosong drunk wine driving driving causing continuous rear-end traffic accidents, the Beijing Dongcheng District Court to the maximum punishment prescribed amount of dangerous driving at sin, judgment in criminal detention for six months, fined four thousand. In fact, in the high case, not only were no casualties, the plot is not particularly serious. In contrast, in the same year at noon on March 5, Liao Ming, drunk driving beyond the bus for the continuous collision six pedestrians, causing two deaths and four injuries a major traffic accident, but it was finally given a suspended sentence, really let the crowd netizens tryin .
Emotional netizens to denounce the law should not lose the basic rational and calm. Because of dangerous driving, traffic crime the echoes and conflict between mainly caused by the administration of justice, more belongs to the legislative level. Specific to the Liao case, it should be noted that the particularity of the following layers: First, Liao was born March 5, 2011 incident, the Criminal Law Amendment Although announced, but not yet implemented. In other words, Liao murder case fashion crime of dangerous driving, drunken driving is just an ordinary offense rather than a crime. High incident was born May 9, the ninth day of the crime of dangerous driving started exactly; Secondly, taking into account the dangerous driving, especially drunk driving on the the public personal rights and the right to life of the potential harm, criminal law amendment will not practical consequences dangerous driving behavior was spun off from traffic crime plot, a separate evaluation, the criminalization of such acts. Since the state of intoxication is driving people in knowingly illegal awareness elements active, so the crime of dangerous driving in the circumstances of a crime is an intentional crime, traffic crime is typical of a crime of negligence. In order to avoid the cause of the accident behavior has practical consequences of the damage penalties but lighter than no actual damage consequences of dangerous driving behavior, the legislature set the legal punishment of the crime of dangerous driving for up to six months of detention and to distinguish traffic crime to three years of imprisonment.
From the point of view the verdict, Gao Xiaosong penalty criminal detention for six months, Liao penalty of three years imprisonment. The light from the sentence that the court sentencing of Liu still within the framework of existing laws, traffic crime sentencing a great span of counts, respectively, the following three years, three to seven years and seven to fifteen years, three grades. According to the judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court's death 1 at three deaths at more than two of three to seven years. The case in Liao's behavior caused two deaths and four injuries, should be in accordance with the law in sentencing for more than three years. In accordance with the provisions of Section 99 of the Penal Code, above and below contains this number, so Liao Ming accept full responsibility for the accident, but given that he protect the scene after the accident, rescue the injured and alarm surrendered plot, and active compensation for the dead and injured economic losses of the families of the court to be given a lighter amount at his three years in prison is consistent with the law.
However, the actual effect, problems arise: Gao Xiaosong is the real deal sitting six months in prison, Liao Ming to three years in prison, but suspended for three years. Therefore, the real controversial Probation.
The implementation of the system as a penalty, suspended often used in a negligent crime, traffic crime is placed on probation for charges in the criminal law. If Liao Ming with the victims and their families reached a Memorandum of Understanding compensation agreement, the court in the first instance, the stage their sentence is suspended, rather than wait until the second instance trial to commute in the case. Otherwise, in the present context, it is clear that the court declares the probation decision suspected it is lighter. In any case, however, the court placed on probation for the grounds of the so-called high-tech talent, is not right, I am afraid that this is caused by one of the root causes of public opinion raging.
A few years ago, when the social hot drunk driving into the penalty when the author repeatedly appeal for all parties calm, not superstition penalty. Drunk driving into the criminal will break the structure of crime and punishment in the existing criminal justice system, to confuse the essential difference between intentional crime with a crime of negligence, eventually leading to the distortions and contradictions of judicial decisions.
In fact, the phenomenon of drunk driving considerable degree of containment, not because into the sentence, but the traffic police department to increase the intensity of the investigation and enforcement. If there is no police force input, even into the punishment will not solve the problem of drunk driving; opposite long adhere investigated, even if does not enter the criminal drivers will have fear.
Liao case, the question now is: You Xiaosong heavy sentence in the special period, and was let go in the general period of the Ming Liao. Here on the merits, we do need the legislative and law enforcement agencies to carefully consider.