
4G short-term can not put out the future of the telecom equipment manufacturers, or to

4G short-term can not put out the future of the telecom equipment manufacturers, or to change the industrial pattern
  Sun Real November 26
With the continued downturn in the global economy, telecom operators suffered the distress of cost pressures, gradually slowing the pace of investment in network construction, and a sharp decline in demand for network equipment, telecommunications equipment supplier's profit greatly reduced.
  Unsurprisingly, the world's five largest telecom equipment manufacturers, in addition to unlisted Huawei has not released financial report, the other four companies in the third quarter continued the dismal performance in the first half: ZTE loss of 1.945 billion yuan; Ericsson net profit of $ 324 million, a year-on-year down 42%; Arun loss of 146 million euros, a year-on-year turnaround; Nokia Siemens Networks net profit of 182 million euros, but the huge loss in the first half of the year has been let NSN badly hurt.
  To break the current predicament of earnings, telecom equipment manufacturers need to find new markets and business growth, the last few years have been repeatedly mentioned 4G, has become the equipment supplier in the eyes of the "last straw", while China Mobile's TD-LTE next month in Hong Kong commercial message, but also to a number of equipment manufacturers agreed that: the world is advancing 4G network construction, will become the main engine of growth to stimulate the telecommunications equipment market.
  4G proposed so far, although the planning era has passed, but due to the current downturn in the macroeconomic result in the slow development of the market, and the favor of the operators of wireless networks, short-term 4G is also difficult to play the role of savior of the telecom equipment manufacturers, but long run, 4G will become the new business growth equipment manufacturers, and at the same time will probably change the existing pattern of global telecommunications industry.
  There is no breakthrough in the short-term equipment manufacturers
  Huawei, a top executive has said the communications equipment manufacturing industry is a very cyclical industry dependent on investment. At present, the domestic 3G network construction is almost complete, the 4G network construction has just started, which means no new round of investment in the short term to stimulate the growth performance of the industry as a whole. Prior to this, a large part of the profit margins of domestic communications equipment manufacturing enterprises from foreign markets, but global 4G network construction has not yet started.
  TIAN Ying, an analyst at Gartner telecommunications carriers, carrier equipment in developed countries to replace slow, 4G network construction investment in structural adjustment, that is part of the investment from 2G, 3G to 4G transfer, not a net increase of the amount, so 4G global development lacks tremendous pulling power.
  On the other hand, from the current trend, the operators proposed 4G network planning, while also focus on the deployment of wireless network building. China Mobile in Sichuan to invest 10 billion yuan to build the wireless Internet of Things cities, the "12th Five-Year period, China Mobile will invest several hundred billion dollars in Henan, Hebei, Xi'an, Shanghai, Chongqing and other places to build a comprehensive wireless city , with China Mobile to invest a total of 180 billion yuan in LTE is almost the same. It can be seen that the operators in the short term is more selective in network investment, and not simply betting the 4G network construction.
  ZTE, researcher Qiu Hao believes that the next period of time, the operator's investment may be the first to start from the field of fiber-optic access the 4G network building, in addition to China Mobile's TD-LTE trial network there will be a small amount of investment, the overall investment The scale will not be much.
  In addition, the carriers 4G network investments by larger macroeconomic impact, if the global economy remains in the doldrums, the carriers on 4G investment will certainly be cautious. For telecom equipment manufacturers, is also bad news.
  Thus, the influence of various factors, the carriers on 4G inputs is still difficult to "feed" telecommunications equipment manufacturers, in the short term, 4G network construction does not help equipment manufacturers to quickly get rid of the remains in the doldrums dilemma.
  Of course, in the long run, in the next few years, as the global economy rebounds and operators 4G network construction continue to intensify, derived from the new network and equipment needs, and business applications, telecom equipment vendors will undoubtedly become out of winter the turning point of the entire telecommunications industry will enter a recovery phase, but at that time, 4G will also have a new round of reshuffle in the telecommunications industry.
  Game 4G: redraw the layout of equipment manufacturers
  Some experts predict that the next few years, 4G LTE devices, as the mobile infrastructure market revenue in 2015 will reach $ 8 billion, it will be $ 17.5 billion in 2016.
  Face so full of temptation market, telecom equipment manufacturers are already in place, engaged in a fierce competition for 4G LTE. The latest data show that the second quarter of 2012, with outstanding performance in the set off the first wave of LTE market scale investment in the United States, Japan, South Korea, Ericsson's LTE income living in the world's first, Arun followed, at the same time, Nokia Siemens beyond Huawei has become the world's third-largest LTE equipment suppliers, while Huawei LTE revenue growth in the first half of the year due to miss the North American market, is relatively slow.
  But with the second half of this year, emerging markets such as Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East set off a second wave of LTE scale investment wave, Huawei will be gradually established a leading position in the global LTE market. According to statistics, the North American market, a total of 14 LTE commercial network, Ericsson to deploy 10 of them, representing absolute absolute advantage; Europe has 38 LTE network, Huawei has deployed 19 equally clear advantage; 18 Asia-Pacific region LTE commercial network, Huawei and Ericsson deployed eight; seven LTE commercial networks in the Middle East and North Africa region, STC, Mobily, Zain, Etisalat, VIVA carriers used in all of Huawei's LTE equipment. As of July of this year, in the world has 89 commercial LTE network, Huawei has deployed 45 of them, more than half, Huawei has signed 92 LTE commercial contract, the same ranks first in the industry.
  In addition, in the domestic market, Mats H Olsson, Ericsson Asia Pacific senior vice president, said Ericsson has been waiting for the deployment of TD-LTE, China, and has prepared a long time. Domestic equipment manufacturers in China Mobile recently the first batch of TD-LTE terminal at the tender accounted for more than 80% of the share, the results are not ideal for foreign equipment manufacturers such as Ericsson, Nokia Siemens.
  Together, Huawei in other regions outside the North American market, occupies a leading position, therefore, with the strong rise of the emerging 4G market, Huawei will usher beyond Ericsson, best chance to become the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturers . In addition, ZTE with outstanding performance in the first batch of TD-LTE terminal at the tender of China Mobile, the 4G era, will also usher in a new round of explosive growth, and took the opportunity to narrow the gap between the leader in.
  Throughout the global industrial structure, the industry believes that the arrival of 4G era, most Chinese manufacturers may be able to take this overwhelming competitors in one fell swoop. Reason, Huawei, ZTE on the technical side has to catch up with competitors with low-cost strategy, will continue to erode the market share of foreign telecom equipment manufacturers. Shuffle, or from 4G.

