
The pass six countries brewing the compromise against Iraq sanctions had little effect

United States, officials of the six countries of the United Kingdom, China, Russia, France and Germany gathered at the EU headquarters in Brussels on 21 May to explore new Iran roadmap to solve the decade-long Iran nuclear crisis confrontation. U.S. Department of State, former Middle East adviser Ariel Ratner said very urgent, claiming that "negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear issue window is rapidly closing. Germany's Berliner Zeitung "also believe that in the 21st," negotiations opportunity fleeting now, no one may become the losers of the Iranian nuclear issue, facing 'financial cliff' got the time and money of another Gulf War broke if and Iran conflict, the West will be forced into a war quagmire, the debt crisis will be deeper and deeper the crisis-ridden Middle East will completely fall into chaos. "
  Reuters reported Tuesday that U.S. President Barack Obama's re-election to avoid a significant change in U.S. policy on the Iranian nuclear issue, diplomats are eager to continue its efforts to promote the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic channels. There are indications that the opportunities are reduced to solve the problem peacefully through negotiations, Israel has repeatedly threatened will have a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Former Middle East adviser of the U.S. State Department said Ariel Ratner peaceful negotiated settlement of the window is rapidly Close in ". Many observers believe that Israel will be held on January 22 next year general election before this Israel is unlikely to risk in the Middle East lead to the risk of a large-scale war to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, which some leeway to the six powers.
  AFP quoted an unnamed Western diplomat said that the Brussels meeting will discuss in detail given to Iran to encourage what conditions, in exchange for Iran's cooperation on the nuclear issue, but Iran also needs to come up with practical action, in order to prove that the international community deserves such encouragement. International efforts against the Iranian nuclear issue because of the U.S. presidential election, in fact stagnant for some time. Reuters said the six powers met in Brussels announced that it will hold a new round of nuclear talks with Iran as soon as possible, the dialogue will be convened by the EU "foreign minister" Ashton.
Switzerland "Daily Herald" said the three rounds of negotiations this year have not made any progress in the case, the major powers of the world are "examine policy toward Iran". U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's former adviser Jon Wolfsthal said: "With Washington more space and Tehran face greater pressure, may happen to have room for agreement on some of the points to ease sanctions measures have been brought to the table, but Iran has not yet begun to say, 'good'. "Cliff, global political risk consulting agency Eurasia Group's Middle East expert, said:" Any new program must be carefully designed to attract Iran to make concessions, at the same time have to take into account some Western countries reluctantly to ease the sanctions. key is sort important step, I guess that is the focus of the discussion of the six powers. "
  There are indications that the United States and Europe to increase sanctions and embargo difficult to force Iran to comply. On November 20, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Yukiya Amano released a report warning that Iran is methodically improve the the enriched uranium purity of the work, "the sanctions and embargo of the United States and its Western allies, including the oil embargo did not produce the effect . The latest IAEA quarterly report, also known as Sherlock multi underground nuclear facilities near the Iranian holy city of Qom uranium enrichment centrifuges had been to complete the installation. The six powers to stop Iran's to improve enriched uranium purity, Close Sherlock underground nuclear facilities, and the production of enriched uranium shipped to Iran to save Western officials say this is the initial step to build trust. But Iran has rejected these proposals, but asked the international community to recognize that it has the "rights" of uranium enrichment, and the lifting of sanctions.
  Hong Kong Asia Times that the latest report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) --- Iran purity of 20% enriched uranium a substantial increase "is" miscalculation misleading ". According to the report, Iran now has 135 kilograms of 20 percent enriched uranium, greatly increased, compared with 91.4 kg in August and quickly approaching the "red line" of 200-250 kg, which means that the amount of manufacturing a nuclear bomb. From the records of the past two years to figure out, and this data is there may be double counting, the actual number should be only 110.7 kilograms. However, the International Atomic Energy Agency declined to comment on the questioned.
  However, there are sound compromise against Iran. American Associated Press published a guest commentator on the article of the British Conservative Party, Mr Ames, called for "the end of the Iran decade appeasement policy", "we must clearly recognize that Iran more than ever close to possessing nuclear weapons. He believes that "radical solution" to conform to the Iranian public opinion "," diplomatic and political support by supporting the Iranian opposition to the Iranian Resistance Movement Committee, acknowledged as "the legitimate representative of the Iranian people" to help overthrow Iran regime, which "drastic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue." The United States, "Washington Post," the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was quoted as saying that Obama was faced with the most pressing decision is how to prevent Iran from advancing its nuclear program. "If Iran has nuclear weapons, almost certainly the big country in the region will also be nuclear-armed and we can not afford another nuclear disaster, which is why the United States has always insisted on limiting Iran's uranium enrichment, the six powers or the United States should unilaterally raised a well-conceived program. "

