
"Curious" major discovery or confirm the existence of life on Mars

according to the British New Scientist magazine, chief scientist of the NASA curious task - John Spengler Ratzinger, said in an interview with the media, curious now on exciting major discovery! He also hinted that this finding may be found Martian organic life space fans expect.
"Curious" major discovery or confirm the existence of life on Mars
  The expert disclosure curious number rover significant findings may Announced signs of Martian life exists
Former NASA investigator Gilbert - Levin pointed out the curious number rover Mars organics positive signal or confirmed by NASA to be able to find signs of life on Mars surface. He said in a media reporter, as one would expect, the curious number may be found to the surface of Mars, there are signs of organic life, and this major discovery will be included in the annals of science.
  Although this curious number rover this major discovery there is a lot of controversy, not openly disclosed its specific details, December 3, the Geophysical Association annual meeting held in San Francisco City will be announced in the greatest discovery.
  According to reports, this study found related curious number rovers "SAM" for sample analysis instrument, the instrument is also used for the investigation of organic molecules in the Martian soil. Under normal circumstances, the surface of Mars, the presence of organic matter and can not be fully considered as evidence of the existence of life, but also not surprising, because like organic molecules present in the scattering into the solar system meteorites. Not long ago, SAM instrument also detected the presence of methane in the Martian atmosphere, but later discovered that these methane may come from the earth.

