
Ren Jianyu question made famous: paying so much money to give farmers bring affordable

"Before I onlookers others trying to change reality, the dream did not expect own destiny because Internet users onlookers.
"Was finally able to sit and have dinner," the evening of 19 November 2012, Yongchuan, a small restaurant, Ren Jianyu sip of beer against the side of his girlfriend and his father said.
Labor camp before going out in the afternoon, 15 months, who has since posted a labor camp of the Student Village, the daily meal had to squat to eat.
The Chongqing labor camp entrusted "decided to improper" rather than "illegal", the revocation of the decision on his labor camp. August 18, 2011, Renjian Yu was taken away by the police, he had also squatting on 9 months.
Officials are most concerned about: pick him out of going for withdrawal of the things to consider?
On the afternoon of November 20, the Chongqing Third Intermediate People's Court of First Instance sentenced Ren Jianyu prosecution dismissed "in excess of the statutory limitation period.
Ren Jianyu decision: appeal.
The influx of a large number of media in Chongqing, surrounded by young people who for speech crimes.
"Before I onlookers others trying to change reality, the dream did not expect own destiny because Internet users onlookers." Speak when, Ren Jianyu head down.
12:00 Renjian Yu accepted the Southern Weekend interview in a hotel room that night. Because three pounds thinner than imprisonment, black jacket to wear on him was extremely mast, feet kicking a pair of shoes or wear in the labor camp.
November 21, 2011, 5:00 pm, micro-interviews. Not more than a year to use the computer, the answer of a few dozen words, he tends to use more than one minute. He noted that the day People's Daily "People's Commentary" with five question marks on the re-education through labor system was questioned.
"I think everyone should try to turn it into a full stop."
"The instructors are very sympathetic to me"
SW: inside off so many days, and all of a sudden out what it feels like?
Ren Jianyu: the feeling of freedom is very valuable, this time to really understand the meaning of the phrase "no freedom or give me death". Personal freedom is more valuable, the back feels good.
SW: your father for the first time to see you, you say: Dad, this is not what people can not see things, I do not steal or rob, and up to 20 years will be vindicated. The set himself vindicated spans Why so long?
Ren Jianyu: believe that I need to let my father, no problem recognized me from the heart, the other time I thought, in another decade or two, China will step by step forward Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun not in position on, I am sure that the opportunity for the community to re-identify the things. Just when I did not expect to the thin king will fall so fast.
SW: Your father said you first thing in the forced labor camps is to prop your father to help you find a lawyer.
Ren Jianyu: . Chongqing and Sichuan lawyers then no one would dare. Later, I write a note to his girlfriend, her lawyer I am concerned look on my microblogging. Later, she said, she was afraid to give me trouble, my microblogging has been deleted. I know, I thought the only to prove that I am innocent of everything.
SW: It was not very desperate?
Ren Jianyu: very helpless and just want to subtract a few days, and quickly went out.
SW: listen to your girlfriend, you start very worried able to fulfill the workload very anxious.
Renjian Yu : under production brigade, I assigned the job done coil my myopic eyes to see, hands and feet is very slow, and I feel very depressed, and always able to fulfill. Required to complete 125 a day, but I can only do a maximum of more than 50. End of checkout will be penalty for each penalty is very necessary to have served additional day.
Was very desperate. If you have been fined so down. Not only the less not criminal, may extend. Fortunately, last no penalty, did less than a month, to change the type of work. Our team with a good relationship with me, after a few days let me do the quality control, there is no task pressure.
SW: listen to people say, you do inside and later also the team leader.
Renjian Yu: in training and consolidation team (responsible for the training queue) when, inside the instructors are very sympathetic to me, I feel my offense a little too. But then the captain felt that I was too gentle, pipe down, let me return to the production team. Has been doing production has a benefit, you can concentrate on doing one thing, it will feel that time flies, does not think the rest.
SW: I heard that you have to famous songs?
Renjian Yu: after reading the "News Network" a day after the 20 minutes must sing, "Dabaguilai" Without the Communist Party there is no new China ", a fixed track. Famous songs contest was also organized in October last year, sing well to advance solutions to teach one day, everyone eager. First minus one day, second plus 8 points plus 6 points, and the third, a very day. New Year's Day is also organized, but back no longer advance solutions taught is the hair washing powder. But I once did not go, itself disgusted with this.
SW: your QQ space, but I see you when the village official photos of famous songs.
Renjian Yu: That is a political task, in July 2011, the town organization made ​​famous contest, the village where I also participated in the organization, to sing two songs: "Without the Communist Party there would be no new China", "Unity is strength . " Participants are village cadres and team leader, was clothing funding is limited, there are only two or three hundred dollars, went to the armed forces departments to buy camouflage.
Sing more than this time, was seen throughout the Chongqing are singing, I was thinking, famous songs to spend so much money, what can be done? Give farmers the benefits? If real inputs to farmers, to bring some benefits to them, can you?
SW: In addition to watching the "news network" access to outside information, inside what means?
Renjian Yu: you can see the "Chongqing Legal News" and "Legal Daily", but do not know why, starting from February this year, not made. Then one day, I see a police duty room newspaper said, no longer serve as the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau Wang Lijun, I ran to talk to Fang Hung (reeducation through labor "cook your feces" irony Wang Lijun, Chongqing citizens) said Fang Hung you may want to go out. "later told others that all music after flowering, very, very happy.
SW: I heard you speak very little on the inside?
Renjian Yu: famous songs when Fang Hung will say a few words, the sound is relatively large. Him, I was a little more moderate. Discipline cadres also more accommodating to me, let me call time will be quite long, because If you do not hear a girlfriend sound for a long time, too painful.
"I and heroes fought together."
SW: see the interrogation record, the feeling in fact, you are not outsiders imagine so'm outspoken?
Renjian Yu: I actually posted on the Internet is very cautious. QQ group had some people made ​​rumors, I advise them not fat, this group will be a problem, you send rumors, let our group less credible, will criticize you leave an excuse. I think I was very peaceful.
SW: Your blog many grassroots reality, especially for farmers the record straight.
Ren Jianyu: the beginning to the village, is to really want to do so that farmers can get something affordable. But there are things you helpless, unable to change more. For example, the Chongqing "wings million income households (two wings Chongqing southeast and northeast of Chongqing) policy, to three years' income of ten thousand yuan, Bo engage in a policy, but in fact this is an impossible task .
SW: When village officials to see is not is not the same with the picture?
Ren Jianyu: beginning, I was very hard to adapt to the environment, if the leadership is going to hostessing, are to take the initiative to, but gradually found that it is very boring, this is not the lifestyle I want. I can not be changed by the environment, and later can not drink on the drink.
I can not stand in the work is being deliberately make things difficult, if I think there is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong. The later boss talked to me, he said, all right, do not like this when I was younger than you are just not so down, meaning that is not so wronged down.
SW: Your classmates think I got more angry youth.
Ren Jianyu: on microblogging. The great touch onlookers lot of things to me, I felt everyone to do their will make our society and the state, if possible, go to affect some people, the better.
SW: with the personality of your bones?
Ren Jianyu: grew up a little straight, love the record straight. Such a thing a lot of people may think I'm naive, but probably causing me a child read celebrity famous (laughs), called you a person of integrity, people called you to do a kind of results do you expect to change and go do when a righteous man, oh (clap their hands), suddenly go.
A small village official, can not change anything to be able to do one thing well. I am actually from small to large never thought to do what a great person, just think to do something, to be worthy of their own conscience. Online comments I was impressed: "In this day and age, and so when you are old, your grandchildren ask you, your grandfather a hero? Grandfather said, I'm not a hero, but I hero fought together."
SW: within the system, there is a common language with you people?
Ren Jianyu: once, I suggest another village officials joined a book club, he went in two or three days to withdraw, he said that you thought.
"Higher political consciousness"
SW: The court heard Chongqing the labor camp Commission has been hope that your withdrawal.
Ren Jianyu: the beginning of the Third Court collegial panel presiding judge talked to me and said he would sentence me favor, but to make life difficult in the the labor camp appoint face on the presiding judge asked me can not compromise, we all feel better, I had agreed to negotiate with the labor camp Commission Because I need the identity of an innocent.
SW: Why insisted on withdrawal? Heart tangled over it?
Renjian Yu: Do not give up, as soon as possible out certainly good considered. But first I want to prove I'm innocent because I do not have illegal facts.
SW: Later you the greatest anxiety, not worry about how to get in it, but how do they come?
Ren Jianyu: . Came out, how the face of a loved one? Most worried about is my grandmother, it has been my girlfriend lied to her, saying that I went to work in Xinjiang, and also allow soldiers in Xinjiang friends Send a specialty to her and said that I took.
Traditional vision, I have a criminal record. Work units definitely go back. I also worry that people used to living in the institutional left can survive. Some relatives and friends are very naive to think I do these things, if you do not post, not fall now.
Southern Weekend: Initially you are desperate, but later you instead to persuade his girlfriend, say it with hands and feet, can do anything.
Renjian Yu: total first survive the Well. I have been back to open a waste recycling. If this thing is not possible within the system, diving. I have another idea, to return to work, do not necessarily go back to work. This is a way to restore the identity, but also to prove that in this process, I do not have illegal facts. If you do not recover, people will think you are a problem not to resume.
SW: Do you regret the behavior?
Renjian Yu: I think I did not do anything wrong, just because the environment has evolved into a tragedy. If ther

