
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: income distribution problem is beyond the economic dimension

The Economic Observer reporter drop Yun Chang eighteen report there are many references to "fairness" also clearly stated that "the two synchronous, two multiplier. Two simultaneous income growth and economic development of urban and rural residents synchronization, labor compensation growth and productivity improve synchronization; "doubling" is the GDP doubled with doubling the income of urban and rural residents. It is not difficult to see that the central ideas and measures to solve the problem of the distribution of income has become more clear, more firm determination and confidence.
In recent years, the Democratic League Central Committee on several occasions in depth in some provinces and cities to conduct in-depth research and discussion on the reform of the income distribution issues, to the Central senior propose recommendations to improve the income distribution mechanism. The newspaper issues related to income distribution reform eighteen major closing interview with the National People's Congress Standing Committee of the National People's Congress deputy director of the Rural and Agricultural Committee, the full-time vice chairman of the China Democratic League Central Suo Lisheng.
The Economic Observer: How do you see the current problems faced by the reform of the income distribution?
Suo Lisheng: the imbalance in the pattern of income distribution, and the gap between rich and poor continues to widen, the current focus of the society and hotspot issues, I think, to solve this problem, we must fully understand the seriousness and complexity. It is imperative to promote the reform of the income distribution.
China's income distribution reform severe that, in the context of sustained and rapid growth, the rapid expansion of the accumulation of wealth, ordinary people's income accounted national income ratio and labor remuneration accounted for the initial distribution ratio continues to decline, the income gap between the various groups widening income distribution order anomie serious, and this state is still deteriorating. Resulting in a serious low public recognition of social equity, discontent continued to spread, triggering various social contradictions and even mass incidents in accelerated accumulation of social risk factors. Serious imbalance of income distribution and anomie, but also a direct impact on the level of national income and consumption structure, the transformation of the mode of economic development are severely constrained.
See the problem, it should be noted that, in recent years related to the "Three" consumption, corruption, loss of state assets, the monopoly of state-owned enterprises operating, special interest groups to form has also become the focus of popular discontent, to further expand forward public awareness of the imbalance in the distribution of income, and the feelings of anomie. Therefore we can say that the income distribution problem stems from the people's livelihood issues, from the economic level, but actually beyond the economic level, social issues, political issues intertwined and affect each other.
The Economic Observer: the complexity of the issue of the reform of income distribution mainly in what areas?
Suo Lisheng: the complexity of the issue of the reform of income distribution is a serious imbalance of the distribution of income is not a cold day, not unilateral reasons also have a direct relationship with the government's development philosophy has long been the traditional system, and other macroeconomic factors. Example: for a long time, the local government emphasis GDP growth, ignoring the rational allocation of social wealth; low level of economic structure and the overall quality of labor, resulting in workers compensation enhance difficult; administrative monopolies still exist, a direct impact on the income level of difference between the industry; The barriers of the household registration system and the urban-rural split system, leading to the widening of the gap between urban and rural areas; implemented to maintain exports and the rapid accumulation of industrial capital and resource development mode, resulting in resource exporting region entitlements revenue loss; inequalities in the employment system so that migrant workers long-term exclusion from outside the system, a direct result of the income inequality between different workers; fiscal redistribution, social security system and tax policy adjustment fatigue, and also so that the distribution of wealth in the correction mechanism weakening.
Three major reforms
Economic Observer: It is understood that the Democratic League Central Committee has repeatedly put forward recommendations on improving the income distribution, social security mechanism, contains what part do these recommendations and content?
Suo Lisheng: simple to say, our recommendations for improving the income distribution mechanism is mainly concentrated in five areas, respectively, in all aspects of economic, political, social construction, in various fields and jointly develop the force, comprehensive policy; bigger cake "and" cake "both good points to both a clear goal for the future of public policy basis points, highlighting" the reasonable distribution of wealth "and" inclusive "concept of development of the people's livelihood, the clear income distribution reform basic indicators expected; deepening of state-owned enterprises , household registration, employment three structural reform, to build a long-term and equitable income distribution system and lay a solid foundation; vigorously adjust the three macroeconomic policies of finance, taxation, social security, and give full play to the important regulatory role of the redistribution of the pattern of interests; quality of employment, minimum wages, social insurance, occupational welfare, wage bargaining five aspects, reversing the low pay of workers, the initial distribution of the interests of the pattern of imbalance.
Force in all aspects of economic, political, social, and comprehensive policy, in simple terms, that is, anti-corruption, financial budget and regulatory officials to report on the system, take practical measures to let the public see results. At the same time, speeding up the social construction and perfect union functions and role of positioning, the game with the "capital" necessary to give the working class, and strengthen labor and management bargaining.
The Economic Observer: Deepening the three major structural reform of state-owned enterprises, household registration, employment, specifically has what recommendations?
Suo Lisheng: We propose to continue to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, to accelerate the elimination of administrative monopoly, at the same time promote the state-owned capital in key areas of national security and economic lifeline concentrated, competitive field below the provincial state-owned enterprises the demutualization and even privatization; perfect state-owned capital operation budget system, to regulate their relations with the State, and to improve the proportion of after-tax profits of state-owned enterprises turned over, and monopoly industry wages and benefits effectively be adjusted.
Accelerate the reform of the household registration system, it is recommended that the urbanization and new rural construction closely. The household access policy conditional place to accelerate the pace of urbanization, liberalization of the household registration control of the small and medium-sized cities and towns, urbanization, industrialization and the main body; big cities, mega-cities to first Yanhou Song principle as soon as possible a clear gradually achieve population equality between urban and rural areas, between the towns of voluntary two-way, multi orderly flow.
We also recommend that as soon as possible to start the second reform of the employment system. The specific target measures, mainly migrant workers "outside the system" the various rights and interests of workers and damage, leading to long-term low labor remuneration institutional defects; shall as soon as possible by to strengthen equal legal rights and interests of the labor and employment monitor, eliminating migrant workers The identity of the stigma, the right to equal pay for the same system with the field of employment in the "12th Five-Year period.
The Economic Observer: Do you think that the macroeconomic policies of finance, taxation and social security, how to play the regulatory role of the redistribution of the pattern of interests?
Suo Lisheng: Specifically, financial aspects, we propose to continue to adhere to the fiscal revenue incremental (annual new part) tilt "and" stock of (original expenditure structure) adjustment twin force policies and practices, the relationship between urban and rural residents public resources to invest in the proportion of the revenue growth and the development of social security, on the basis of the existing more than doubled; investment growth is higher than the growth of fiscal revenue as a rigid constraint indicators of the welfare and livelihood of the people, by 2020 to reach 30 of the total financial expenditure percent. Effectively reversing the financial power shift powers sinking, the status of some local governments lack of public services, the relationship between the adjustment of all levels of government obligations and expenses, given the financial power to political responsibility, the responsibility to match the financial power and things, at the same time, in order to achieve access to basic public services. equalization aiming to reduce the special transfer payments, increase general transfer payments, and improve the current system of transfer payments.
Four-point proposal to adjust tax policy, on the basis of last year's tax threshold be raised to 3,500 yuan, promoting mainly personal taxes "to the" family tax "transition-based tax system, and further implement tax incentives for charitable donations; adjust corporate tax policy, while optimizing Tax Structure of the low-profit industry, small and medium-sized enterprises and labor-intensive enterprises, tax incentives, financial subsidies can be given to social welfare institutions, support its development; perfect resource tax policy, to build a resource revenue sharing mechanism, the ecological environment and resource use compensation mechanism, based on the current pilot, speed up the summary of the resource tax from the amount levied ad valorem instead experience promotion; adjust the tax ratio and an increase in taxes to choose the right timing, the timely introduction of new taxes to adjust the income of high-income groups, such as property tax, real estate tax and the corresponding property tax, consumption tax, effectively reversing the current personal income tax in the country in the proportion of low and mainly from the status of the working-class.
We also recommend that a sound social security system. Specifically to accelerate the pace of development of farmers 'old-age insurance, workers' basic old-age insurance to enhance the level of national co-ordination and integration of the new type of rural cooperative medical care and medical insurance for urban residents during the "12th Five-Year" endowment insurance, medical insurance, the minimum living allowance, housing full coverage protection, elderly services and other basic security system. Gradually increase the level of social security, fight poverty line with international standards in 2020, to ensure that the social security benefits and economic growth of the urban and rural residents, and the level of price increases and other compatible. Vigorously develop the welfare of the elderly, the disabled welfare, women's welfare, child welfare, including social welfare, and to adapt to the the accelerating development needs of an aging population, and to establish a service system covering both urban and rural elderly.
The Economic Observer: Many people are concerned about the wage reform in income distribution the NLD central wage reform proposal?
Suo Lisheng: We recommend improving the minimum wage system, specific to gradually increase the monthly minimum wage to a level of 40% to 50% of the average wage equivalent to the local community, to implement a unified national ratio to ensure that wage growth accompanied normal growth. In addition, the implementation of a unified national ratio, promote advanced areas of industrial upgrading succeed transferred between the new generation and the regional economic structure, promote China's industrialization level improved rapidly.
We also recommend that further improve the government, labor, employers constitute the tripartite consultation mechanism, and actively promote the remuneration of collective negotiation. The specific measures to strengthen trade union rights at the same time, as soon as possible to improve the tripartite consultation mechanism inhalation, the employers' organizations or representatives of the interests (such as the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.), pay consultation as an important binding achieved through regular negotiations results; pay collective consultation upgrade to the industry or regional level, the establishment of trade unions the rational put pressure mechanism.

