
Former Apple employees: Jobs Technical mad Cook rookie

Jobs created the great Apple, the outside world has doubts about whether the continuation of the current CEO Cook Apple's brilliant. Recently, Apple's former head of sales David Sobotta comment can only be considered a the technology "rookie" with Jobs obsessed than Cook, Cook's job is to ensure that all employees perform their duties and do their best , and this important difference between the two, one.
  Sohu IT Abstract:
  David Sobotta, Apple's former head of sales, had previously said - Tim Cook is the CEO of a technology "rookie" class remarks have a ripple. David Sobotta at the same time, the difference between the current Apple CEO Cook, the late founder Steve - Steve Jobs is Steve Jobs obsessed technology.
  Sobotta said, "Technically speaking, I think - Tim Cook is not a heavyweight technology players I have never in the Cook who feel the Jobs and other first-class engineers who reflected my passion. '
  "Sobotta said, love technology and obsessed with science and technology, which is the difference between Cook and Jobs."
  Previously, Sobotta has published a book called "the Pomme Company" book about his 20 years of work experience at Apple. Sobotta was Apple's sales director, even though he was not the direct leadership by the Cook but Cook had some contact.
  Sobotta said, we can see from Steve Jobs who love technology and fascination with science and technology there is a difference between.
  He said, "If Steve Jobs made a concluding statement, in addition to the things he is currently doing, he will not discuss any other thing he took part in the wrap-up meeting sales when he is busy developing iMovie Therefore, we companies wrap-up meeting on the discussion of home movies. "
  This is one of the important distinction between Jobs and Cook. Sobotta seems current Apple CEO Cook does not like Steve Jobs, Apple's latest products to walk at any time carry and obsession in which .
  Assumptions Sobotta said, this is not a big problem for Apple? We are also not sure. Apple has a large number of employees in the company, there are people who can play a role as obsessed with products like Steve Jobs. (Jony Ive), Jonathan - Ewe, Apple's current design director, he will because of the Apple an important product excited, and one night I could not sleep.
  Cook's job is to ensure that all employees perform their duties, and each do their best, he can not become addicted to technology like Steve Jobs did.
Former Apple employees: Jobs Technical mad Cook rookie

